How should this site work?

edited March 2006 in About this site
Should it be a private forum, where most people know each other and we can swear and stuff?


Should it be a semi-open forum, theoretically based around the stroudgreen area that anyone can post and browse?

I can see both sides. Obviously, both scenarios need more members, but as a general point, what do we think? Members only or Open to punters?


  • edited 5:52AM
    Member to Post i'd say. Public for reading.
  • edited 5:52AM

    I quite like the members club element to it.

    What about the stroudgreen angle?

    (And invite petra)
  • edited March 2006
    There was a big thing in the Evening Standard about Stroud Green, so if this site gets any traffic all and sundry will be able to access our wittering.
  • edited 5:52AM
    Andy you are probably right...this forum should be just people in Stroudgreen....cause it doesnt seem to be working with me on here for u guys. I really dont know what yall are talking about most of the time...I've gotten on the net and looked at where yall live and the town , community or whatever you call it is very pretty and quaint. I love it. Oh yeah quaint means elegant and beauty. But anyway I have had fun on here meeting new people. You should try it for your a new country....Its neat...Well anyway, I will keep on getting on here and reading and enjoying things you have to say.

    Oh you just cant invite Petra only Also James McAvoy
  • edited 5:52AM
    I dread to think how much trawling must have been involved to dig up a thread three and a half years old. Andy, I think you can consider yourself stalked.
  • edited 5:52AM
    my god u guys are just wierd... if u click on 51 it is right there and 51 is showing up right in front of u...I think yall just like drama ...
  • edited 5:52AM
    The only thing stopping people swearing is surely down to what the admin's say is too much. You could have a public swearathon on a daily basis if you wanted to. No need to go private, unless you meant it more like slander 'n stuff?
  • edited 5:52AM
    james mcavoy gropes hamsters. that's a fact. the admins told me.
  • edited 5:52AM
    the possible slander / defamation issue is an interesting one because 99% of the time the admins won't be in any position to judge what is and what isn't defamation. i don't know on what criteria they ask for posts to be deleted.
  • "defamation is the publication of a statement that tends to lower a person in the estimation of right thinking members of society generally"

    I think there is a case to be made that the members of are not strictly "right thinking members of society", so defame away!

    On a serious note, I think it's great that people can see the ramblings on here. I joined as was Googling for a review of Dotori and found it on here and have contributed since.

    Other than a few people whom I have a feeling about in the pub from time to time I have no idea who anyone is on here and am fine about that. I also think there is very little slander/defamation on here - taken in context it's very funny!
  • edited 5:52AM
    "defamation is the publication of a statement that tends to lower a person in the estimation of right thinking members of society generally"

    that can't possibly be the the legal criteria.
  • edited 5:52AM
    the BBC would be guilty of defamation every time they televise PMQs by that definition.
  • I'm sure that is the correct definition or certainly along those lines anyway.
    The reason the MP's get away with it is because question time and open discussions in the house is considered a "privileged occasion". This means a situation where freedom of speech is essential and this defence cannot be defeated no matter how false or malicious the statement is. This one of 3 defences to defamation, another being that the statement is actually true. The final defence is that a statement is fair comment on a matter of public interest - this is the defence most commonly used by newspapers and TV channels should they be sued.
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