Parking shmarking

I don't have a car, so this isn't usually an issue for me. But I'm going to vent, anyway.

This afternoon a guy rang my doorbell to ask if the car parked in front of the house was ours. It wasn't. He explained that he had been blocked in for 2 hours. Not only could he not leave, but he kept having to put change in the meter (thank you, Woodstock Rd Parking Militia).

Half an hour later, the guy and the car were still there. I looked up the number for him to get the offending car towed, but by the time I dressed and left the house, he had stepped away. Just then the owner of the car that had blocked him in returned. I explained to her what she had done. Her response: "It's only a Micra. I've been blocked in many times myself."

Huh? I can't see why it matters that it's a crap car. There was no way the guy could've got out without damaging both cars. There was 3" in between the bumpers. She should've been grateful that he wasn't stupid enough to attempt the "50-point turn" that she suggested.

I very much regretted that her car wasn't towed. If you're stupid enough to think that 3" is a reasonable amount of space to pull out of a parking space, then you probably shouldn't be on the road.


  • edited 6:03AM
    Yeah, what does the Micra have to do with anything? Was it her car or his, and was she implying that her car was such a peice that he should have just beat the shit out of it to get out of the space? Or was it the other way around. Seriously...WTF?
  • edited 6:03AM
    His was the Micra. She was implying that a shit little car like that should have no problem pulling out of the space. Her car was much bigger, which is probably why he didn't attempt to push it out of the way.

    Parking is a huge issue on this street. Before they brought in the control zone, we used to get regular notices through the door from the Woodstock Rd Parking Association. They (it was probably just one guy with a copycard) went so far as to photograph cars with two resident's permits and count the number of permits handed out to teachers.

    Like I said, I don't have a car. If I did, I would be a little annoyed that I now have to pay to park in front of my own house.
  • edited 6:03AM
    It's a disgrace and don't get me started.
  • edited 6:03AM
    James McAvoy has a Micra after all.
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