Best coffee?

edited April 2008 in Local discussion
Any ideas?


  • AliAli
    edited 5:52PM
    Dream Café Cappuccino
  • edited 5:52PM
    The Double R Diner .... damn fine coffee.
  • edited 5:52PM
    My house. No contest. No one makes a coffee to my taste like my wife does. Even I don't know how she does it.
  • edited 5:52PM
    @ Ali - God no! Dream River? They use mediocre beans and never clean the machine. Every time I've had their espresso, it tasted burnt. You can't make good coffee using cheap beans. You can't make a good cappuccino using crap espresso.

    Good for Food is pretty much the only place around here where I'll drink the coffee. Can't speak for CE, though. I feel like I should explore their coffee shops a bit more.
  • edited 5:52PM
    Good For Food - 2 votes.

    I accidentally had a coffee in a Weatherspoons pub the other day. It was surprisingly OK. So the White Lion it is.
  • edited 5:52PM
    Tea goddamit. The desire for a good cup of tea caused britain to start wars with half the world.
  • AliAli
    edited 5:52PM
    Rainbow Carnage I guess I like the Dream café because I thought Blend 37 was pretty exotic when I was at Uni. They are pretty good with kids as well ! although Patrica is going back to Brazil soon.
  • edited 5:52PM
    TEA!! Although, will never have a cup of tea from a cafe because they can't make it properly - water is always reboiled or not boiled at all. Dreadful.
  • IanIan
    edited 5:52PM
    You can tell if water has been boiled twice? Blimey.

    Has anyone ever put you up on a bed of many mattresses where you couldn't sleep because of the niggling feeling there was a tiny round object somewhere at the base of it?
  • edited 5:52PM
    no, but that isn't the first time it's been suggested!
  • IanIan
    edited 5:52PM
    You could go on "You Bet" with a talent like that.

    ... "Boiled twice Matthew"... "Boiled once Matthew"...
  • edited April 2008
    whatever happened to You Bet? I LOVED that programme...

    'are you going to bet it?
    you bet!
    well you'd better get on it!
    you bet!
    So dont fret, get set, are you ready??
    YOU BET!'

    or something like that.

    btw - does anyone know the line in the cadbury's fudge jingle, the one after 'it's full of cad-bury goodness and...'???

    i've been substituting 'and really small and neat' but i figure it's wrong.
  • edited April 2008
    A Cadbury's Fudge is just enough to give your kids a treat. A finger of Fudge is just enough until it's time to eat. It's full of Cadbury goodness But there is more I need. A finger of Fudge is just enough to give your kids a treat. It's full of Cadbury goodness But there is more I need. A finger of Fudge is just enough to give your kids a treat
  • edited 5:52PM
    This seems to be the consensus on interweb but everyone I've asked is singing something along the lines of 'really small and neat'. One goes as far to suggest 'but there is more I need' is simply wrong and makes no sense.
  • edited April 2008
    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

    That's definitely 'but very small and neat', no? God damn lies on the interweb.
  • edited 5:52PM
    Hooray!! That's made my day! And only 10p! They're only like 15p now, and that ad must be from the 70s...???
  • edited 5:52PM
    aah - 1985. But still! In 1986 I worked in a bar where a pint of lager was 68p. If you applied the finger of fudge inflationary rate that should make it like £1.06 a pint. There is no justice in this world.
  • edited 5:52PM
    You worked in a pub when [YOU WERE 4]( ????
  • edited 5:52PM
    it would appear so, andy, yes.
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