Woody's Supermarket, Stroud Green: Totally disgusting



  • edited 9:24PM
    @Andy - you still haven't explained what the big deal is though - it's a bloody snail, not a cockroach or a half-dead mouse.
  • edited May 2008
    @ Colette - I bet you'd have sauteed it in garlic and added it to the salade seeing as you're french and all
  • edited 9:24PM
    I'm happy to share the plaudits Matt, but I did spot the inward bound mollusc first.
  • edited 9:24PM
    Does the snail have a name yet?
  • edited 9:24PM
    Of course it could have climbed in while you were having your dinner and decided to climb out again which was when you saw it.
  • edited May 2008
    @ tosscat - that's a funny name for a snail. How do you know it was a girl? Andy - was it a lady snail?
  • edited 9:24PM
    A fe-snail?
  • edited 9:24PM
    Don't you just hate the sickening crunch of treading on a snail?
  • edited 9:24PM
    Regards posties (this thread's about snail mail yes?) I'm lamenting the loss of Everton our postie, it was his last day on Friday, he's gone "back on the vans" after 10 years of doing great service to the Hanley Road area. He was the perfect postie, even kept our parcels in his trolley for us when we were away, so we didn't have to go through all the admin of getting stuff re-routed. Looks like we'll be back to using our work adresses for deliveries now...
  • LizLiz
    edited 9:24PM
    On the earlier organic veg box front, I'd recommend Abel and Cole - you can order online and set preferences for what you don't want so you never get carrots/onions/avocados in my case...
  • edited 9:24PM
    @ Colettte: Most. French. Comment. Ever.
  • edited 9:24PM
    @Andie. Tsk. Just cos I'm not horrified by snails. Stop stereotyping. Besides, I hate the things cooked - vile.

    @Liz - I agree, they're good, I've used them a few times. But they are way more expensive than the farmers market...
  • IanIan
    edited 9:24PM
    Andy - you are right. Anyone else is to varying degrees wrong, apart from those that absolutely agree with you. Hopeless service at that place - not surprised this happened at all.
  • edited 9:24PM
    I should point out that I, personally, would have been furious. I would have quickly played the "shout very loudly" card, especially if other customers are nearby, doubley especially if the shouting can involve "YOU SERVE FOOD COVERED IN SNAILS".

    I would have then proceded to show everyone nearby the photo you took.
  • edited 9:24PM
    @ Colette - you spelt Andy wrong! You, of all people!
  • edited 9:24PM
    I'm sorry, I still don't understand the severity of this issue. The man laughing isn't great service, but he offered a solution - should he have cried? The other staff members offered a solution. Did you ask for a refund? Was this declined? In the end it all seems to boil down to how horrid you find the snail. Personally I'm non plussed about the whole thing and would have carried the snail down into the garden and set it free. Can we have a poll on this?
  • edited 9:24PM
    I’m both bemused and perplexed by the reactions as well.

    I know many or most of the people reading this are probably flat-dwellers and are unlikely to have gardens but have we become so divorced from nature that such a small creature can provoke such a reaction?

    If you grew your own vegetables you would be confronted by snails popping out of your greens on a daily basis – would the solution be to rip out all the plants and throw them away? We’d all starve.

    I’m with tosscat. I would have taken Sue out and set her free – but only after I finished my salad.
  • edited 9:24PM
    @katiejane - it was clearly deliberate. Check out how he wrote my name.
  • edited May 2008
    Also, I'm with Tosscat and JoeV, in case that wasn't already very obvious. I vote snail.

    I live on the second floor, but grew some lettuces in my window boxes last year. I found a snail in one of them, quite a few weeks after I'd planted them. Clever snail.
  • edited 9:24PM
    So he did - duh!
  • AliAli
    edited 9:24PM
    Why not grow your own in the garden or a window box, very easy, no food miles etc although I was once eating a sandwich at work with rocket from the garden in it. I put it down to talk to some for few minutes and small slug crawled out much to the amusement of everyone!

    One thing I have noticed in Woody’s is that a stick of Rhubarb cost 50p each
  • edited 9:24PM
    During the up and coming summer months you may find that Sue estivates, and then she won't be going anywhere.
  • edited 9:24PM
    Now this you could really complain about:

  • edited 9:24PM
    to back andy up (for once) on the snail front, I think it really is the level of service at woody's that he's bothered about (not that i knew about this until reading SG today). He wouldn't be so patient with my insistence at stopping and "rescuing" snails that wander across the middle of the pavement otherwise. Also, we're in a flat but have a garden which is organically maintained with planting for native wildlife and consequently full of all kinds of bugs/gastropods etc. (although that would lend credence to David's theory that it climbed in - organic gardening = fuck loads of slugs and snails. I need a hedgehog). On the Woody's front, I find their service crap and have been using them less since the time I accidentally gave one of the check out people £20 instead of £10 and he denied all knowledge. Really wound me up!
  • edited 9:24PM
    @colette - argh! video needed a warning - hates them.
  • LizLiz
    edited May 2008
    Have just played the tarantula video. The cat was fascinated by it. Don't really have a point of view on the snail debate, but was fascinated to log on last night to find 41 comments IN ONE DAY on the thread. Not sure what that tells you about SG.orgers...
  • edited May 2008
    So Lucy, do you live with Andy? I get confused quite easily about who does and who doesn't know each other in real life. Are Andy and David brothers? Etc etc I still think the snail wasn't even from the salad. And I think Woodys is pretty good all round. I do miss the headless lamb, though
  • edited 9:24PM
    @matt: yup. I know Liz, David & Petra too, in real life - although may get jumped on for ruining the mystery!! Going to leave David & Andy to answer on the brother front. Are there siblings on stroudgreen? I know at least one set.
  • edited 9:24PM
    I'm not sure I want to join this one, but I did have a question to Andy: did you title this thread in way that would do extra damage through <a href="http://www.google.co.uk/search?num=100&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=vmi&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=woody's+supermarket+stroud+green&spell=1">search engine indexing</a>? Cyber-terrorist!
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