Doorstop con artist

edited June 2008 in Local discussion
Anyone else had this?

Last night bout 9pm, tap at the window (it's a groundfloor flat, not Salem's Lot). I open the floor and there's a young chap there, who starts telling me he's been visiting friends on my street but his car has broken down, honest, he can show me the keys, and he has to get back to Chingford and has checked with the station and needs £6.50.

There are obvious flaws in this story.

Of course, I gave him all my money.

He was quite affable, but thought other people in the area should know about this. Shame, really, as I don't get many visitors


  • edited 12:26PM
    Brilliant, I figured this guy was pulling my leg but nice to have confirmation.

    Was getting out of a cab outside house after a late night in work one night last week (10pm-ish) when he came up the street to stop me before I got in the door of the house. Almost exact same story, except his car had been clamped not broken down and the clamping office was closed when he rang ("honest, i can show you the car up the road"). Nice touch was that his car was a Porsche! Again he need £6.50 to get somewhere. Figured it was a con but, like you said he was perfectly affable so gave him the change from my cab which was in my hand, about £1.50

    Seems a lucrative con. It's all about his demeanour. WAs massively thankful even for the £1.50 and went off down the road to find the rest happy as larry.

    Why £6.50 I wonder? Has he discovered that this is the maximum amount that someone might actually give him in whole. Have just pictured him putting a load of public survey and statistical analysis into the development of his con... :)
  • edited 12:26PM
    Hmmm ... an interesting question ... what is the optimum price-point for street begging?
  • edited 12:26PM
    I wonder what Mrs Williams - Stroud Green Confidence Trickster thinks of the competition. Or maybe they are part of a cartel.
  • edited 12:26PM
    Hmm, where was this? About a month ago a man tried to stop me to ask for help on Osborne Road. It was late and I was on my own, so there was absolutely no chance of me stopping for him, which means I don't know whether he was going to give me a spiel, or try to rape me, or whether he did really need help or what. The mystery!
  • edited 12:26PM
    @Emma: Well he stopped me on Scarborough Rd/Carlisle rd. Thin, coloured guy in (I think) a white leather jacket. Like I said, pretty well spoken and friendly and not really dodgy looking.
  • edited 12:26PM
    Is he the strange guy with wild hair and cat eyes?
  • edited 12:26PM
    @katiejane - SG's own Don King?
  • edited 12:26PM
    @T.J. a "coloured guy" eh? What colour was that?
  • edited 12:26PM
    @Jeremy: Ha! As soon as I hit "Post" on that comment, I figured somebody would pick me up and say someting. No offence meant to anybody or anything. Chill. He was a black guy. I was a bit too non-plussed to try determining exact ethnic origins.

    Tried to describe what somebody looked like and suddenly wished I hadn't. How weird is that?! I'm half tempted to start a conversation on the minefield this somehow has become for a normal, right thinking person but 1) that, in itself, would be a minefield and 2) I'm shattered, so...
  • LizLiz
    edited June 2008
    Just spent some time trying to write a post on this, and realised there's not really any way to explore the subject without sounding racist. Hmmm.
  • edited 12:26PM
    My trouble exactly. Let's leave it there then, shall we...
  • edited 12:26PM
    We could explore the use of the work "chill" as in imperative.
  • edited 12:26PM
    Chris Rock would know what to say.
  • edited 12:26PM
    How about "pi$$ off" as an imperative?
  • edited 12:26PM
    "I love crack"?
  • edited June 2008
    That's much more acceptable.
  • edited 12:26PM
    @tosscat: I'm new around here. Learning I guess.

    For the avoidance of doubt, that was directed at you, not a replacement for my "chill" which stands! (never sure if the subtlety of my brilliant, almost Wildean wit comes across in text) :)
  • edited 12:26PM
  • edited 12:26PM
    Are you a popbitch fan, tosscat?
  • edited 12:26PM
    Wildean? As in like Oscar Wilde?
  • edited 12:26PM
    No. As in humorist, motivational speaker and best selling author Larry Wilde.
  • edited 12:26PM
    Once a week,david, yes.
  • edited 12:26PM
    i was well proud to get the 'i love crack' reference.

    a few months ago someone stopped my boyfriend on lennox road at about 4am, and gave a little chat about having no petrol and needing to run back to the petrol station to pick some up, he even had a little oil can in his hand. elaborate con, or the truth?
    then we got thinking where on earth is the nearest petrol station?

    p.s. as you all want to know, he was white, and essex-ish.
    p.p.s. i was also visited by mrs williams last year and i gave her three twenty pees.
  • edited 12:26PM
    The nearest petrol station is on Stapleton Hall Road I think. Or Hornsey Road?
  • edited 12:26PM
    Was talking about this last night and turns out my housemate got done by Mr £6.50 a little while ago as well on Upper Tollington Park. The man is making a mint.
  • edited 12:26PM
    I'm feeling a bit left out ... I haven't been approached by Mr £6.50 or Mrs Williams :(
  • edited 12:26PM
    Me neither Simon. By the way, is your surname Bolivar?
  • edited 12:26PM
    Matt "Super Hans" King lives on Mount Pleasant Villas.
  • edited 12:26PM
    @ Jeremy Fisher - this is the doorstep con artist thread, not the celebrity spotting one.
  • edited 12:26PM
    @ jeremy fisher - rebbitt
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