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Attn. Irish sportspeople

edited June 2008 in General chat
In the unlikely case there are any people lurking about here who used to play hurling back home but have drifted away over here (or anyone knows such a person)...

One of the top hurling teams in London trains on Hurst Ave (between Crouch End and Highgate) and is always looking for new members for both senior and intermediate grades (as well underage if anyone has interested kids). The team is Kilburn Gaels but they train in Highgate for some reason.

I hadn't played for a while as I thought all the teams were over in Kilburn and Ruislip and places like that but heard about this team through people from back home. They are very welcoming, the standard (particularly of the seniors) is reasonably good and training is walking distance or quick bus from SGR.

I know I'm being pretty ambitious but reply here if anyone is interested and we can try swap some details or something.

For non-Irish people who have no idea what I'm talking about. Welcome to the sport of the gods.
I'm sure totally new people would be welcome as well but be aware that it's not the kind of game that you can easily just pick up and start playing if you're already an adult. I'm sure the underage teams would love to hear from new kids (Irish or not).


  • edited 2:11AM
    Sorry, should have said that the guy looking for the cricket team reminded me that I wanted to post this on here.
  • edited 2:11AM
    Hurling reads like the sport you'd end up with if forced to distill all other sports in the world down to just one.
  • edited 2:11AM
    Ha. I guess it kind of does. Probably older than most of them though. Maybe they all just borrowed from it!

    Just realised that wikipedia article isn't a great description. I'll try to find a better one.
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