Viva la Vida

edited June 2008 in General chat
Anyone else struggling with the Ronaldoesque blinkered adoration being thrown at Coldplay from the press at the minute? I'm the first to admit loving Yellow despite my reticence towards pop but since that opening album they've done nothing of note and even turned to shallow impressions of U2 in the latest Apple ad. It's almost like it doesn't matter what they release, the industry has decided album four is what makes them.


  • edited 10:10AM
    GOOD LORD - see eggshells
  • edited 10:10AM
    I don't understand. Did I do something bad?
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    no, never
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    coldplay should have their eyes put out for the unending shower of middle-of-the-road mediocrity they pump out with such sphincter-clenching sincerity.
  • edited 10:10AM
    I'm certain it because of the media masses failing to keep up in a world rushing by, kinda like when your dad realises he hasn't bought something new in 10 years. You rattle off a long list of names of bands with nothing but a slightly pained blank look in reponse, desperate to survive in an ocean they no longer understand and will cling on to the first recognisable thing.

    "Coldpaly? Yes... Yes, I know them, they've very good. I like them a lot. Yes. Coldplay. Hmm."
    Multiplied by half a million = Lots of media lovin'
  • edited 10:10AM
    I think the Viva la Vida (single) is pretty good, and I'm not really a fan of Coldplay. Let's not fight about it though - it's just music, you know?
  • edited 10:10AM
    music is important

    and imho there's nothing more enjoyable than arguing about music
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    or dancing about architecture
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    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  • edited 10:10AM
    The words "the musical growth rate of this band cannot even be charted" is very applicable to the miserable bland-fest that is Coldplay. Most interesting thing is the way in which the album has been talked up as having been influenced by the likes of My Bloody Valentine... erm... how exactly?
  • edited 10:10AM
    I accidently (honest!) bought a Coldplay album several years ago. It festered on the shelf unloved and unplayed. When I had a clear-out some time ago I was too embarrassed to take it to the secondhand shop to trade it in for something less earnest and, frankly, something less easy on the ears. it went in the bin.
  • edited 10:10AM
    I love Christian Ronaldo. But not Christian Martino.
  • edited 10:10AM
    I quite like Coldplay. I think Chris Martin is probably a nice chap, who doesn't enjoy doing media stuff and isn't very good at it either. Coldplay's problem is that all of EMI needs that album to sell bajallions of copies because they haven't got anywhere else to spend their money. So EMI are throwing the kitchen sink at promotion. So it's everywhere. I haven't bought it though. I also have some World Music. At the moment, I'd recommend Toumani Diabate's "Boulevard de l'Independance" and Seu Jorge (who did the David Bowie covers in the Life Aquatic), but Seu Jorge is much better live. But I also like the releases of Fierce Panda. So I've clearly got taste.
  • edited 10:10AM
    Seu Jorge is rubbish live - he can't sing at all.
    But his albums are quite good.
  • edited 10:10AM
    I thought he put on a good show. Not all that technical, but lots of fun.
  • edited 10:10AM
    Oh yeah, that's fair enough, he's good fun, but he can't sing. Or at least he couldn't when I went to see him a few years back. Maybe he's had some lessons.
  • edited 10:10AM
    I like Toumani Diabate, and the stuff Seu Jorge did for A Life Aquatic (but was disappointed when I got the related album he did at that time) World music for me is _Lykke Li_ from Sweden, I wasted an afternoon on the "new" (read: old) Peter Gabriel and friends album "Big Blue Ball" - because of the World Party connection. Kathleen Edwards from Canada, and also the "LOVE by CARTIER" free compilation for that French and World feel (Colette you should check it out). [HERE]( I have also read about the EMI piggy banking Coldplay and think that's pretty short sighted on their part. No one band is good enough to support a company that big!
  • edited 10:10AM
    So - the new Sigur Ros album is out next week I think. This may be of interest to Matt and no-one else.
  • edited 10:10AM
    Yes please I've heard mixed things about it, though
  • edited 10:10AM
    The new Sigur Ros album is a thing of great beauty.
  • edited 10:10AM
    how dare coldpoop spoil the daily show? jon stewart must be getting somer of emi's $$$. and i hadn't heard any of their new music, but it sounded exactly like i though it would. tepid and whiny. how anyone can like this room-temperature faeces is beyond me.
  • edited June 2008
    I bought the new Sigur Ros album, but seem to have been confused by the multitude of purchasing options on their site. I wanted the physical album (yes, I still collect CDs) plus instant download - the combination I wish iTunes offered - but seem to be stuck waiting for the physical CD only.
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