home broadband

edited June 2008 in General chat
i forgot to pay my home broadband bill (hello, i'm an idiot), so I'm shopping around for a new supplier. Any recommendations? Or I could try and hack one of the other thirty wireless networks I can see from my living room.


  • edited 6:47PM
    I'd do that, it's much cheaper. There's a really fast unsecured one near me - I think it might be glyn's.
  • edited 6:47PM
    avoid Virgin Media I'm trying to find ways to ditch them at the moment if you have an old virgin media modem, you could always hack it for free broadband ;)
  • edited 6:47PM
    Whats up with your Virgin Media matt? I'm on them and to date have had a really good service. Am I doomed at some point?
  • edited June 2008
    Whenever I download a lot (and I'm not talking torrents), but rather lots of data from either my iMac, a laptop, Wii, Xbox 360 or whatever - I get throttled We're "only" on 2meg, and sometimes we struggle to get 0.5meg Maybe I should just call them?
  • edited 6:47PM
    I thought the whole point of Virgin was that it was fibre optic and so that didn't happen? I've never had any problems with their broadband service. Mind you, I am computer idiot, so I should probably duck out of this conversation right now.
  • edited June 2008
    I had that on 2mb at times, getting around .5 but that was Telewest back then. When it all switched over I upgraded to 4mb and apart from the odd dip I generally get the 4mb. I'd call and moan. Doubt it'll help you though.
  • edited 6:47PM
    We're on Virgin. The service is reliable at around the stated 4Mb. However, if they introduce Phorm, I'm off looking elsewhere. Not that I have anything to hide, it's just the principle of the matter.
  • edited 6:47PM
    Virgin seem okay until you have to contact them, but the actual bb service seems fine and speedy enough for me.
  • edited 6:47PM
    Poxy, I'd not heard of Phorm but I agree - not good I am currently fighting battle with Orange about their "content adaption" technology. They are modifying the content of any MMS delivered through their network by down sizing images to save themselves bandwidth and money. However, I pay money to send a message I expect it to be delivered unmodified. Imagine if they removed words they didn't think were important from a normal text message! I can't seem to get anywhere with it, though
  • edited 6:47PM
    I've had no end of trouble with Virgin. I've lost both my broadband and TV for up to ten days at time twice in the last year. The last time was a couple of weeks ago when I discovered I could only get 'teachers tv' (woop). I reported it on Friday to be told an engineer would be round the following Thursday. After taking the day off work, he arrived at 2pm to tell me I had no signal (I'd worked that one out myself) and he would have to book a contractor to come round another day to sort the cable box on the front of the house which was hanging off the wall. My cable had been split in some botch job about 6 times between me and all my next door neighbours. Not impressed.
  • edited 6:47PM
    Have to be a bit careful as I work in the industry, but if I take my own company hat off, it has to be said that the O2 home package is currently very popular with almost everyone that has taken it up - you also get a discount if you have an O2 mobile.

    @ Tosscat - Get orf moi land!
  • edited 6:47PM
    I'm sure yours is secure in that case, no?
  • edited 6:47PM
    I would hope so - but your use of the phrase "really fast" kind of gave away that it wasn't me.
  • edited 6:47PM
    Actually after I gave them a ring to explain my account based idiocy, I've decided to stay with who I was with (which is freedom2surf.net) They gave me some big discounts for loyalty, uncapped usage and three months free. So now I'm paying less than a tenner a month for their highest level service. So the lesson here is that idiocy is its own reward. Or something.
  • edited 6:47PM
    Plusnet are very good and have won the 2007 award for best provider. We've had no problems with them and if I recommend you then you get a £10 or £20 off your bill and so do we....
  • edited 6:47PM
    I used to be with them and will never go back
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