I'd like to erect a screening fence on my balcony/terrace but I'm not quiet sure if I can do it freely or if I've to ask Haringey first. I've read a few things on their web portal regarding permitted development but I didn't find my answer.
I'm living inside the conservation area and the balcony/terrace fence will be seen from the main road, so it's on the front of the building.
Anybody is an expert? Any opinions?
Thanks very much
If you're just putting up a bamboo screen or similar I'd think you'd be fine. if it's a more permanent, fixed fence then it would probably fall into planning.
Depending on the site I'd consider creating a screen with some sympathetic planting in pots. e.g.:
or (worth seeing in person) https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.5770315,-0.1093697,3a,71.3y,270.99h,114.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s76I3455wqb1urQ5y-2E_7A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!5m1!1e2
I'll definitely add any plants but I still need a screening fence first. It will also provide a bit of shadow for the plants, as it's facing south most of them are drying.
I'll read carefully the Stroud green CAAC at first. Thanks for this!
Any others opinions/ideas are ore than welcome.
Thanks for these comments. The addition will be visible from the street that's the thing. But it won't be an awful addition, that would hopefully be covered by ivy or any plants soon.
I'll get in touch with them and I'll provide them picture to have their opinions on this.
"Alterations to windows and doors, and painting the outside of a house do not require planning permission unless there is an Article 4 Direction in place, provided that materials and appearance area similar to those of the original construction."
It's the second half of the sentence that's key - if you're trying to swap wooden sash for PVC then you're in trouble, or should be.
Islington does have an Article 4 direction in place, so all changes of window should require permission even if you're not in a conservation area.
"Flats do not have any permitted development rights so permission is required for all works that are not like-for-like replacements or that might change the appearance of the building. This includes changes to the windows."