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New cafe next to the Stapleton Tavern?

Hi All, it seems like Crouch Hill is going through a great revamp with plenty of new local businesses! The Robin coming up, the new Ukrainian place smashing it and the Old Dairy back in business. Next to the Stapleton Tavern, where there was once a small restaurant of english cuisine, a new cafe is opening. I spoke to the guy who will manage (own?) the place and in a few weeks we should see it live. I admire how small business owners are stepping up in these challenging times. It is a good sign that new businesses find our hood a good place to invest.

Sometimes I reflect on how the changes in consumers behaviour and demographics have made high streets eateries havens in the best case scenario, betting shops, fast foods and supermarket arcades in the worst. I guess Stroud Green is somewhere in the middle. What would you say is missing in our High Street?


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