Thoughts on local childcare - pre nursery and nursery

edited August 2008 in Local discussion
Hello there,

I have a 9 month old boy and Im looking at childcare options. Im self employed like many of the people on the board!

Im looking at local childminders, any recommendations would be appreciated and nurseries private and state.

With regards to pre school nurseries the feedback that I have is that North Islington is excellent and I have my sons name down for that but it is full.

That is the only one I have considered. Asquith and Little Angels are off the list for various reasons.

So I think childminding is the way to go, I can only find 2 locally.

Any thoughts or feedback appreciated.




  • edited 5:54PM
    If you combine this thread with [this thread](, the whole site will disappear. Don't cross the streams!
  • edited 5:54PM
    The next time someone ask if you're a God

  • edited 5:54PM
    Ha ha I know I saw that.

    Judging by the amount of responses I have had - there arent many mums on here!

    And the childcare seems generally poor so its not the new crouch end just yet. I dont see many Bugaboos either, not that I have one!
  • edited 5:54PM
    There are people with children on this site. Like me, up early and in a bad mood. There is a website called nannyshare or something like that. I will check and get back to you.
  • edited August 2008
    There are people with children on this site.

    Like me, up early, went back to bed, woke up late, in to work late and still in a bad mood.

    We found - on - another family with a child born the same week as ours looking for a nannyshare. Splitting the costs of a nanny two ways is only marginally more expensive than using pre-nursery/nursery but much, much more flexible.

    If you're considering a nanny share, be quick. Demand outstrips supply and nannies seem to want to organise their next placements many months in advance. We've just agreed terms with our nanny to start in October.
  • edited 5:54PM
    That is the site I was thinking of.
  • edited 5:54PM
    Thanks Geoff and Poxy,

    I will have a look, sorry if I was sexist - there are Dads on here too.

    So complicated and loaded, just seen a childminder, so hard to decide.

    Will go and have a look at the site now.

    Much appreciated.
  • edited 5:54PM
    If you have a limited company, that can contribute £243 towards childcare costs ( it must be to an accredited organisation, paid direct and paid each month - you can't backdate it )

    That helps ( slightly ) for the fees for our sons excellent nursery in CE (Active Learning).
  • edited 5:54PM
    Hi Bridget I can recommend Bowlers on Crouch Hill - it's fab. It's a community nursery, so affordable if you can work with their shorter opening hours (8.30 - 5.30 if my memory serves me well). When I checked on a place for my daughter earlier this year, I was quoted £40 a day I think. It's not exclusively for Islington residents, but if you are one, you get priority over places.
  • edited 5:54PM
    Have you got up to date lists of childcare providers from Islington / Harringay Children's Services? That's as good a place as any to start looking, they will list all childminders (and their full address), flagging up who's got availability... They also list nurseries... Good luck.
  • edited 5:54PM
    Thank you Beek, yes I have and I went to see a very nice childminder yesterday.

    KatieJane, thanks I hadnt heard of Bowlers, sounds really good. I went to Coleridge years ago by the way and Highgate Wood!

    Giles thanks, sadly Im self employed - but if I become Limited that is what I will do.
  • edited 5:54PM
    Hi there Katie,

    I did find someone - she is in Evershott street. I was looking for one day too! Unfortunately I dont really have enough work to justify it at the moment and as Joe is 9 months Im not too rushed. But I would use her. She has been recommended by someone else another childminder too.

    Do you want her phone number? I think she is on the Islington Council July list of Childminders. She has a great Ofstead too. Let me know what you think! If we both have just one day that would work. She is away in November though. She takes the kids out to drop ins every day.

    I also met a lovely childminder in the library who I had called the day before and left a message she is also on the list Carol and she has a space. I thought she was excellent aswell. My friend went to see her with her daughter last week and I will get her feedback tomorrow!

    So I can let you know.


  • edited 5:54PM
    @ Bridget - yes please to both! (That is if you're satisfied they've got space for two - I guess if we're only after one day a week, then we're not going to be competing for places!)

    Was the one on Evershott happy with the principle of one day?

    I must start doing drop-ins myself - I was really active with my son, but my daughter just gets to crawl round the flat as I get on with the chores.

    Thanks for this, K.
  • edited 5:54PM
    Katie Jane did you get the childcare details?

    Let me know what happens as I think I now have more work and will need that day. My friend went so see one of them and I have feedback but dont feel its fair to write about it on this forum - did the whispering thing work?

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