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  • Mapsa - You are of course right about these constituency boundaries only being relevant to Westminster MPs and general elections. I suppose I had my indignant hat on at that point. However, I don't understand why balancing the size of the elector…
  • We had a Virgin broadband outage on Monday from midday until bedtime. Twenty multi-choice questions and a conversation with India confirmed usual nonsense = 'local outage - our engineers are aware and working on it'. Don't know when it came back on,…
  • I've spent the last 30-years listening to the other half telling me that we're "living in an up-and-coming area. You'll see." An by and large that has been correct. What goes around comes around I suppose. Small mercy it's not called 'Check Cent…
  • We finally got around to trying Mexicali this evening and probably won't going back too soon. Went with the other half and number two daughter, who is home for the w/e. 2 cocktails; 2 beers; 3 glasses of pretty rough plonk; 3 starters and 3 main…