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  • I don't know if it's going to change at some point, but it's worth pointing out that (for now) if you're on Orange and in an area where it switches you to T-mobile, it doesn't seem to include internet (3g or otherwise) or at least not on my phone it…
  • Unfortunately, we've all been conditioned to believe that nobody who actually commits suicide ever says they're going to before hand, and that such things are just "attention seeking". Nobody seems to believe that if you make a cry for help you migh…
    in Twitter Comment by sgc September 2011
  • There's a thing called (I think) Selective Tweets which lets you post certain tweets to Facebook by using the hashtag #fb at the end - I'm not sure how to get it, but I'm sure if you google it you'll find it. Also, I think even the basic 'post every…
    in Twitter Comment by sgc September 2011
  • It's also rather more complicated for my friends as the reason he's the only one working is because she is severely disabled, but nonetheless, just because people do make themselves homeless in these situations (living on friends' sofas is homelessn…
  • Oh, also, it's rarely as simple as "just move somewhere cheaper!" because, well, moving costs money, particularly if you have an entire family's worth of stuff to move with you. I have friends who are a single income household - no kids - and when h…
  • I am the Hackney single parent ADGS mentioned above, and no, it is not very likely to affect me BUT I have incredibly cheap rent on my council flat, if I were living somewhere comparable (i.e. big enough for me and my kid, not in any way a palace) p…
  • @ADGS - Our local Big Tesco has recently got self service checkouts which also let you THROW CHANGE IN (whereas our Small Tesco has older ones that have no truck with such recklessness) so perhaps if you all vandalise the existing checkouts they wil…
  • They're all hot dates when I've finished with them, etc. I would probably walk, but then I am terribly anxious about lateness and would probably have been sitting in the cafe opposite-ish the 99p shop for half an hour already.
  • My sister has lived where she does since 1994. Because she occasionally uses "elasticated words" (never went to uni, just, you know, likes to read) she is still seen as an outsider by many of her neighbours.
  • Never knew there was a difference between a Mimosa and a Buck's Fizz before. Would also be interested to know if there is a veggie version of the full English planned, and whether the chef is any good at poaching eggs...
  • I have a fairly unusual name (ie there are only about three people in London with my name, last time I checked) so I am wary about using it online (although it is my username on Twitter, so evidently I am a bit inconsistent...)
  • Ah, well, tragically I have a proper grown-up's phone, so am left out of that! *sob*
  • Hiya, I'm here because I have a few friends who live in SG and have mentioned this board - we don't have anything like it in my neck of the woods so I was curious as to what on earth there could be to talk about. Er, so, that's it, really. Hello!
  • My username stands for 'stroud green-curious' (because that phrase tickled me) and I was very glad to be able to use my SG connections to stay well away from my home in Hackney Central last night - apart from the scary stuff on the telly in Wethersp…
    in Riots Comment by sgc August 2011
  • I was very keen on Rankin and Pratchett both as a teen, but agree that Rankin got a bit tedious after a bit. Still love Pratchett, though, although I am a few books behind. I've just realised I haven't actually answered the original question. I'm…
  • Is it bad that the only Anne Rice I've ever read is the first Beauty book? (Actually, only about halfway through it, keep getting distracted, then end up putting it down for months.)