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  • Helena: turned out the woman had been muggd on the way home from work. A chap from Ossian Road helped her home and one of the other neighbours called the cops who turned up quickly and were with her for 40 minutes or so.
  • If we ignore air resistance and assume the masses are falling in a vacuum then the force on each object is proportional to their mass. This means that if one object is twice as large as the other then the force on it is twice the size and hence both…
  • I saw the dogs at Finsbury Park a couple of weeks ago. Mercifully, they didn't approach me as I would have been tempted to give a similar reply to that I gave to the cops who stopped me outside Bethnal Green tube the day after the London bombings in…
  • Came out of the front door a couple of weeks ago and there was a fox on the lawn just poking around. Instead of running off he just looked at me and carried on poking. I wished him/her good evening and went on my way. The foxes round here (Mount Ple…
  • I remember when Woody's was a furniture shop. Bought my futon there. Mind you, I also remember when Londis occupied a smaller shop on the other side of the ex-Threshers. Sigh.
  • It does look as if it's one of the guys who owns the Londis shop (Alpesh Patel) who has the planning application in doesn't it? I just asked one of the guys who has worked in Londis for many years if he knows anything about it and he said he does…
  • Verga: grave accent is alt-` then the letter. So alt-` then 'e' gives you è. Circumflex is alt-i then the letter, so alt-i then 'e' gives you ê. For completeness (sort of) alt-u gives an umlaut (as in ö) and alt-n gives a tilde (as in ã). If y…
  • Ian... but not on a Mac where it's Alt-e followed by e. These things are sent to confuse us.
  • Hellishly pricey for pancake place and as unaesthetic says the website doesn't need to be Flash. Also commits the cardinal sin of playing sound at you without your permission. 2 our of 10.
  • The elephant hedge : wonderful isn't it? Not mine though; it's in Mount Pleasant Crescent while I'm in Mount Pleasant Villas. I don't even own a hedge.
  • Hello to all. I've lived in the area since 1986 first in Ossian Road and then, since 1995, in Mount Pleasant Villas. I've looked at this forum from time to time more or less since it started up but have only just got around to joining. I had a ca…