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  • Chapter One qualifies as a DJ bar surely. Also, who's to say it doesn't resemble a Paris street? Probably one of those where all the riots took place last year, but still...
    in The Riviera Comment by Mike April 2007
  • Hi Tosscat, thanks very much, but I decided to order with Dunns yesterday. I realised I was running out of time and needed to sort something out quickly. I have another glut of birthdays coming up soon, so I'll definitely keep your boyfriend in mind…
  • If he could fit me in that would be excellent. I'm not looking for anything too fancy, just a medium sized cake with a short greeting on it. I live on Stroud Green Road, between Tesco and Pappagone. Otherwise I might venture up to Dunns. Hopefull…
  • Refurbishment. It'll be closed from 18th - 26th March.
    in Tesco closing Comment by Mike March 2007
  • It's closing for refurbishment, from the 18th-26th March. Woody's might have to get some extra staff on standby...
  • If it is Greek, hopefully it'll be better than that awful place just past the Old Dairy that lasted a few months before closing down. We paid £16 for two bits of soggy meat and boiled potatoes and they threatened to call the police when we asked for…
  • Hello All, I'm new. I've lived in SGR for 18 months, but might be moving in the autumn. I live next door to Tesco and am wondering how I'm going to cope when it closes for 10 days soon!