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  • ADGS, Apparently my 'whisper' has now become generalised -- a 'shout', perhaps, or even a 'scream'Can you please tell me, then, when, where and by whom computer technology was dismissed in the ex-USSR? And, yes, 'whispering' my comments to you was a…
  • Royal wedding? WHAT royal wedding? Or perhaps I just read the wrong papers -- Morning Star, Proletarian, Lalkar... . Maybe the idea of a trip abroad instead is a good one. I might plump for Cuba, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or even L…
  • Sevlow: White Lightening? I never drink the stuff. I'm a Skol and Kronenbourg lager man, myself, and I enjoy a decent carbernet sauvignon over dinner. Must have been living in France that taught me both preferences -- and, in said country, people d…
  • Sorry, guys. In my discussions with both Tesco and the council, nobody mentioned "Mr Bongo". Can someone please tell me who this particular bench-user is/was, and why SG should presumably become a music-free zone? Yes, I'm back in the debate (despi…
  • Actually, everybody, I win -- having started this thread in the first place. But winning isn't the point. This has been a good discussion (much more widely subscribed to than I had expected) but I'm very disappointed by some contributors' seeming la…
  • I'm not sure about the bongos, not having been there to hear them myself, but my two points are that: (1) elderly and disabled people (who really DID use the benches) are now worse off; and (2) this council-sponsored vandalism was done without any…
  • Hi, All. This is my final comment, as we seem to be going round in circles. A big thanks to Arkady for starting this thread; it's good to be noticed on the street when you put a lot of effort into setting up a stall. In saying 'bye, let me make two…
  • ADGS. I'm happy to talk to you (or, indeed, anyone else) about our position regarding the DPRK and Zimbabwe. In the first case, that of North Korea, we recognize it for what it is -- a socialist country which has eliminated the exploitation of man b…
  • N4Matt. Hi! Answer to your 'serious' question. Yes, in the USSR among other places. While the capitalist world was suffering the Great Depression, the Soviets had actually eliminated unemployment (by 1936, as I recall). Then, despite losing 27m o…
  • Checkski, dear boy, If 12,000,000 people really had been killed during the period in question, the current demographics of what used to be the Soviet Union would logically look a lot different from the way they actually shape up. The Soviet archive…
  • Time to respond to some of the comments Stroud Greeners have made about our Party, I think. So here goes, point by point: 1. Our support for "neo-mediaevalist fundamentalists." No, we are not Muslims (fundamentalist or otherwise) but, yes, we do re…
  • Andy and Checkski, This unity thing is a fair point -- but unity around WHAT? The Communist Party of Britain and the New Communist Party (Britain's two other established CPs) both call for voting Labour, rather than standing their own candidates. W…
  • P.S. Yes, we are 'distinctly anti-Trotskyite'. We're also opposed to the Labour Party and all those other 'Communist' parties who continue to support it. In other words, we're 'proper' Communists, so let's discuss (in detail and at Stroud Greenians…
  • Hi, everyone. I speak -- or, rather, write -- as one of the three Communists who staffed a stall outside the new Sainsbury not long ago. Arkady's wrong: there were three red flags, not two. Missisclack is also mistaken -- we have been outside Tesco …
  • This bike shop thread has now become silly -- people are talking about bike shops! I'm off!
  • NIMBYs, or should the plural be Nimbies?, all. Bet nobody in Stroud Green would mind anyone having a drink at an outside table, even at 4am, if it were in Tooting Bec! Of far more importance is the fact that, at the said 4am, nobody can buy a drink …
  • Miss Annie -- Glad to hear you sometimes pick up other people's rubbish; me too. It astonishes me, with all the litter bins around, that some folks still prefer the pavement as a place to deposit their rubbish. The only things I draw the line at (an…
  • Graeme, I think you mean Coffee Haven (next to Davies & Davies). Decent coffee, and you can smoke in the back yard. Not open on Sundays, though, which is something of a pain.
  • According to the woman running around advertising this 'museum' just prior to its sort-of-opening (appointment only seems a bit odd), they have the lease for a month; then it reverts to something else -- god knows what, this time....
  • Thanks for your thoughtful comments, Misscara. More stuff for me to pass on to the Woodstock Road crowd!
  • Adamski122. Thanks for your ideas. More stuff to pass on at the next WRA meeting. You're right about Fr David -- he used to let us use the church hall for anti-war meetings in the early days of the Iraq occupation.
  • Actually, Ali, we DID visit the shipyards as well, where some industrial action was being planned against the even fuller 'liberalisation' of terms and conditions. I've also maintained close links with great, class-conscious trade union friends in S…
  • I recently spent some time in Pula, Croatia. In the suburbs of this beautiful Roman town -- Where James Joyce wrote most of Ulysses -- there's a bicycle training centre for velocophiles of all ages. Round and round they all go, ecstatic smiles on th…
  • miss annie: I'm with tosscat on this one. In the same way that there are minimum height restrictions on rides at the various theme parks our offspring used to enjoy before they became addicted to computer games, there ought to be limits on who can c…
  • OK, tosscat. Good point. Umbrellas are out, as should be any short person carrying one (I'm tall enough to sympathise with your plight). But I didn't happen to have a three-foot piece of dowling on me and I'd accidentally left my Tazer, CS gas spray…
  • Thanks for grovelling before my almighty facial hair, Checkski. Actually, in the interests of unity and community solidarity, I'm almost prepared to accept your get-out 'argument' re the two AMBs -- particularly as my beard has temporarily disappear…
  • Ganz richtig, Genosse Checkski! I like the expression 'ambient bipeds', by the way, Mike, but -- as one of N4's many resident pedants -- I'm wondering whether that shouldn't be 'ambULANT bipeds'. Ambulant = MOVING, usually on foot (Latin verb 'a…
  • Am I the only one who thinks bikes should be banned? They're a bloody menace to both motorists (for whom roads were built) and pedestrians (the designated users of pavements). If people really want to gyrate their lycra-clad legs in repetitive, unna…
  • I like this idea a lot! Go for it! One thought, though, on why the council may prefer the 'new', characterless signs: they carry the postcode of the road in question, whereas the old ones pre-date the modern postcode system. In my street, for ex…
  • Yes, Graeme & ADGS. "It's easy to have positive discussions with people who already agree with you." You're right, of course, but the point here is that I DIDN'T KNOW the attitudes of most of the people I spoke to until I had spoken to …