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  • If the mayor is to be chosen in a proper eighteenth-century election then it will need to be oiled with lots of drink and extravagant promises, not to mention bribes. The vote must be public, open for several days and based on a small, not necessar…
    in Vote for me! Comment by Amanda May 2011
  • Legalising and 'normalising' both sex establishments and prostitution has been shown to have several unintended results: firstly a massive rise in the number of such establishments, secondly (and this surprised all the researchers) a spectacular ris…
  • I am interested by the idea that we can discuss this without being 'party political' since the cuts are so obviously ideological. Child benefit is the only universal benefit,which means it is the only one that is widely taken up (generally, more be…
  • I'd be very excited to have a theatre so close but wonder whether you have consulted other interested groups in the area. I had heard that there were already plans to build a community theatre in the area and I doubt whether Finsbury Park could sus…
  • I would also be grateful for names and suggestions - have a teenage son who will be agitating for lessons soon and I'd like to make sure that he is well taught and that we don't waste our money!
  • Being new to this site, I hesitate to join in but I do feel strongly, both about the takeover by big chains and about the potential loss of a more distinctive shop. Where else around here (as opposed to Green Lanes) can you get such an array of yog…
    in Woody's Comment by Amanda January 2010