Tiny Tim - well, the real-life inspiration for the character - lived on Hanley Road.
Edit: credit for that one to @mirandola's excellent blog at http://thehornseyroad.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/christmas-carol-on-hanley-road.html?m=1
A number of the open spaces - including Wray Crescent Park - are where there was particularly heavy bombing in WWII. So they chose to make parks rather than rebuild I guess.
According to the man at the very nice pizzeria opposite it is going to be "more of a bistro" when it reopens. (He was confident they wouldn't compete with his pizzas however!)
Looks like the planning application was refused by Islington but allowed on appeal: http://www.pcs.planningportal.gov.uk/pcsportal/fscdav/READONLY?OBJ=COO.2036.300.12.5517495&NAME=/DECISION.pdf
They seem to have permission to change the use o…
Yes - that was where Sainsbury's is now, I think? It was a great shame that it got so run down. Must have been great in its pomp and with a bit more care could have survived to be a lovely building in whatever use today.
Just visited. It's a nice space. The coffee was decent. They brought a nice big jug of tap water for us. The food and wine looks nice and interesting.
Price was OK for coffee (standard £1.80 or so fo double espresso) but I think from reading @Pap…
I searched for the name of the licencee and it came up with Pradera, so there'd seem to be a connection there. He could be involved in La Bota too though.
Wasn't there just an event with lots of buses in FP? If we then close the bus station to make it into a park I think I might just get a bit too confused.
Looks like the replacement is going to be a Tapas place (according to http://democracy.islington.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=153&MID=2117#AI1457)
Run by same person as http://www.praderarestaurant.co.uk/
@Arkady I think it's pp21-158 of this document: http://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/g2272/Public reports pack 16th-Jul-2014 18.30 Executive.pdf?T=10
I'd like to think that Ben has spent hours deciding which avatar to allocate to each of us. (Not sure why I'm green and tired, but it could be worse ...)
In light of subsequent developments this is a slightly alarming thread: Andy, you weren't checking yourself into storage post-SG.org, were you? (If you were, I suppose you'll only read this if they have WiFi ...)
Woodfall Road and Stonenest Street. Beauty in street names!
The launderette by the railway bridge on Stapleton Hall Road that looks fresh from the 1950s.
There is a lovely wooden penguin height chart on a wall in Thorpedale Road. My daughter loves measuring herself there. One day when we were there someone opened the gate next to it, so I thanked him for putting it up: he had no idea what I was talki…
PS have you thought abt trying to get some more information from "dormant" members abt what it would take to encourage them to participate? Might be an alternative place to start from going after new members (not that there's anything wrong with tha…
Thank you to the two of you from me, as well. sg.org came into being at almost exactly the same time as I moved back to this part of London, so this change feels very momentous to me!
Best of luck to Ben - we're all behind you I'm sure.
I had thought that the parish records might be at the Islington local history centre but it seems not. Instead apparently they're at the London Metropolitan Archive, which I'd not heard of but looks amazing in its own way:
I checked. They definitely go in the same direction. Both ascend anti-clockwise, staggered so that one starts at quarter-past and one at quarter-two, as it were. So as you are going up one staircase the ceiling above you is the floor of the other on…
Are they really double helix (spirals going in opposing directions)? Or are they two spirals that go round the same way, but nested inside each other? If it's the latter it's rather simpler.
I believe that Ashmount was 0.27 miles (so around 400 metres). As I understand it that's before appeals and waiting lists and what have you. I think it's a bit complicated because of the number of siblings who would not otherwise have been in area d…
Sorry if I'm missing the obvious, but is it clear whether the Wells Terrace entrance is intended to close before or after the new one opens? Surely the former would be unmanageable in terms of congestion in the tunnels / newly installed gates / tick…