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  • I spent some of my upbringing in Ireland, from Irish parentage. Never wanted to live in an Irish ghetto on my return, but did do the odd trip to Kilburn in the 90s to revel at its authentic Irish emigrant chic. A good pint of guiness was had but …
  • I'm taking a vow of silence on here.
  • @KRS Maybe if you were from a minority group and had tired cliches thrown at you all the time the joke would wear thin. And btw, I lived on a shared housing co-op by an 'English' traveller site on Clays Lane, Stratford (leveled to make way for the …
  • I think after the refit in 2010 it lacked its original authentic atmosphere. The staff all changed from the original Italian to a mixture of nationalities and it just had a chain feel to it. I think the SG one was the original and it expanded to o…
  • Not trying to be self-righteous about air travel, I've done a bit of it myself, but usually to Ireland or other western european destinations. But I'm always surprised by environmentalists who justify their trips to India or gap year to South Ameri…
    in Golf Comment by kreuzkav August 2018
  • Great to see an argument on here again. I thought Stroud Green was turning into a middle class eating out in restaurants brigade chappy love-in. Not into golf and I agree it takes up environmental space but so does eating meat in Seasons and flyin…
    in Golf Comment by kreuzkav August 2018
  • Horrible to see racism against Irish people is still around. The tarmac statement is really low and nasty.
  • Finsbury Park was always a dump. It's probably the biggest urban park in London. I think the main problem is its location on the edge of three boroughs. Islington, Haringey and and Hackney. While Haringey have it, there 's probably a cleaning up …
  • Only ever in there once. A meat-eating friend who loved Jai Krishna, my favourite, wanted to have meat on one of our meet-ups. A bit too old school in decor and service, but lovely food.
  • Bamboo, S&M, spill the beans? Bty, not my scene, but intrigued.
  • The shirtless guy was summoning up the Stroud Green of the 90s? He's a good..
  • Maybe the cafe is a bit avant garde? The brat on the piano is some free-form prodigy? Are you sure that crowd in the video above aren't some performance art mob from Sketch House? One was wearing a beret.
  • It's a bit like in Twin Peaks. Once you enter, you can be lost for years.
  • 2010-2020 -big change and I thought 2000-2010 was big. Aesthetic change followed by physical after quake. It's happening.
  • Miss Annie is I'm sure correct in thinking the above facebook abduction account is fake news. This was a murder not an abuction. I suggest anyone in doubt check out factual accounts on trafficking. Not fake news. Let's not get carried away. I…
  • I think the best thing is to have gates on that cut through and people avoiding cutting through. Without sounding patronising. I'm old enough to know that this area is rough. It might be more gentrified but still caution is needed.
  • This is a jumper over shirt wet dream.
  • So tea farmers would sell tea at a farmer's market? Is it grown in England now?
  • I reckon enchroaching tables on the pavement is the new jumper-over-shirt problem on Stroud Green road. What next?
  • I went to a catholic school in Luton in the 70s and had hippy teachers. Guitars were played (non-religious songs, and lots of art) It was amazing. There wasn't any religion. I think they were subverting it from the inside. There were girls. But…
  • I don't think it matters whether an organisation or church is good, bad, tolerant, intolerant... What matters is that the schools are not indoctrinating pupils and are about teaching subjects. So a minor under 18 isn't being forced to recite prayer…
  • Totally agree with Arkady that state funded education should be secular. Imagine if the NHS was run by religious groups? You could attend a catholic doctor if you were catholic. A muslim one if you were muslim. And you had to pray the creed of e…
  • Thanks Grenners. Basically the same agreement but with a few swear words in. I'm trying to avoid being so angry about the development. It's happening, things change.
  • krappy, would have thought the word play could have been up your street. Miss Annie, I read a lot of contemporary women writrs at the moment. Sara Baume, Jaki Mc Carrick, Kate Clanchey. Joyce is amazing but is hard work. Lots of amazing non-white…
  • I think the film is a good introduction to the language. It is a book to dip into and out of..
  • John Cage's silent track should be played.
  • You tell me over and over again, we're not on the eve of destruction. Finsbury Park Developers Paradise wins.
  • You don't thing they ship them from Australia and sell them for £5 or£6. Essex fakes mixed with all sorts? Joking. But joking aside, I've always kept with French, Italian and some Spanish. Might be sharp but not mixed.
  • And there were far less eateries on SGR back in the late 90s. Some of them weren't amazing but they had their own individual charm. Now SGR road is an eating-out strip on a par to Upper Street, Islington. If that's your thing, what can I do abou…
    in Pret Comment by kreuzkav April 2017