Good advice! As a wise man once said "There are two types of hard drives
-- those that have failed and those that will". It's very true, so back-up now!
I use Jungle Disk plus an external drive for backup, but I hear many people spe…
Went in today (at about 2.15). Had a nice toasted sandwich and cake. However, the coffee was just awful. Actually, I think they'd just done something wrong, rather than that being how it's supposed to taste -- it was that bad. I had a few mouthfuls …
Like this?**T&align=Center&align2=Middle&fontsize=24&font=signage&color=black&transparency=255&color2=orange&watermark=&mov…
> It is a bit disappointing though of the number people who seem to cycle with out any high visibility jackets etc.
Or lights, in the dark. I almost bashed into a couple of people last night -- didn't notice them at all. I suppose now it's just …