We are trying to organise local residents to object to Planning Application HGY/2014/2934
We've only just become aware of the details of this application which proposes the change of use and the conversion of Oxford House into 43 so-called "micro flats" (in fact they are tiny bedsits, many of them without daylight and very difficult access for emergency services) for rental purposes. The design of this dense development suggests that it will have a high turnover of short term residents, with a severe impact on this part of the neighbourhood.
You can view all the details, and post an objection online here: http://www.planningservices.haringey.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet?PKID=277358
We acknowledge that there is a housing shortage in London, but we believe this is the wrong type of housing for this location and an abuse of the current regulations on the change of use of office/ light industrial buildings. Also, with the Sketch house and City north developments we already have a large increase of population density in the neighbourhood. Please help us to stop this proposal!