Islington Council please could you remove the chewing gum stuck to the pavement of Stroud Green Rd,it looks a real mess.
I have noticed that on the pavements of Stroud Green Rd from the junction of Tollington Park, to Crouch Hill train station the pavements have gum stuck to them on the Islington council side of the Stroud Green Rd every few feet.
Have a look at the pavement on the Islington Council side of the road, outside the post office on SG Rd and by the bustop where you take the bus to Crouch End from. Loads of gum. Also have a look at pavement outside Old Dairy pub it's gobbed out gum city matey.
The pavement on one side of Stroud Green Rd is the responsiblity of Islington Council and the pavement on the other side of SG Rd is the responsibilty of Haringey Council. Not sure which is worse.
Thank you very much to Haringey/Islington councils if you remove the gum.
The Muswell Hill chewing gum artist may disaprove of this thread.
He paints pictures on chewing gum stuck to the pavement,it's his hobby and he is a sculpture in Muswell Hill when he isn't paintin gum
The police try to move him on for causing an "obstruction on the pavement" when he is lying on the pavement painting his minature pictures onto discarded gum,but he just keeps on painting away...
If there's a method that works, seems to me to make sense to use it.
Rather than asking others what happens if you call the number, perhaps you could call it yourself and then post your feedback and the results here? I think that Islington council's derriere will be untroubled by postings on the forum.
And just fyi I'm too busy to go on cheese hunting expeditions as sadly I'm not a housewife.Innit
Sure, Councils need to house people and try to stop crime but that doesn't mean they don't still have a responsibility to take care of all the small things too.
And don't get me started on differentiating crime from "anti-social behaviour" like it's something to be treated differently. Grrr.
I will continue to read TNH's posts but will be sure to check the date before doing so.