Islington Council please remove chewing gum from SG Rd pavement

Islington Council please could you remove the chewing gum stuck to the pavement of Stroud Green Rd,it looks a real mess. I have noticed that on the pavements of Stroud Green Rd from the junction of Tollington Park, to Crouch Hill train station the pavements have gum stuck to them on the Islington council side of the Stroud Green Rd every few feet. Have a look at the pavement on the Islington Council side of the road, outside the post office on SG Rd and by the bustop where you take the bus to Crouch End from. Loads of gum. Also have a look at pavement outside Old Dairy pub it's gobbed out gum city matey. The pavement on one side of Stroud Green Rd is the responsiblity of Islington Council and the pavement on the other side of SG Rd is the responsibilty of Haringey Council. Not sure which is worse. Thank you very much to Haringey/Islington councils if you remove the gum. The Muswell Hill chewing gum artist may disaprove of this thread. He paints pictures on chewing gum stuck to the pavement,it's his hobby and he is a sculpture in Muswell Hill when he isn't paintin gum The police try to move him on for causing an "obstruction on the pavement" when he is lying on the pavement painting his minature pictures onto discarded gum,but he just keeps on painting away...


  • CatCat
    edited March 2010
    @Northern Heights if you want to contact Islington Council you're probably better using any of the ways on this link [Islington contacts](
  • edited 11:17AM
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  • edited 11:17AM
    I agree with Misscara. Let's fund that through a tax on chewing gum.
  • Cat why do you say probably better using any of the ways on the link? I would have thought that flagging up issues on is better. Once it's up on here its public and we are holding council to account. Other people can say if the ideas are any good or not too. The council won't like it if we complain about them on here which is good because they like bombing us with all their adverts about how brilliant they are,although they claim they value the feedback... Islington and Haringey Councils read this forum to see what is making the natives restless. They would be daft not to. When I started a thread called " do Islington Council collect your recycling when you leave it out?" the council come back on that thread with a reply from Islington Council. Don't know if that means they will or won't do anything about the issues though or just spin. Or are you saying you would rather threads were about knitting groups and what supermarket to buy sunblushed tomatoes and luxury food from? Not that there is anything wrong with that as they say. Dave and Andy who are the guardian journalists on here then you said you were convinced grdianian spellling mistake journalist merchants were on this forum, identified no doubt as they are talking about the how spelling mistakes are a good thing in a national newspaper,feminism and how thatch woz wrong to bring in the poll tax circa 1990...maggie maggie maggie out out out... Have you seen some of those adverts from Islington council attached to the street lights,its a bit like stalinist Russia with the stasi ramming their adverts down your throwt about how good the system is comes across as propaganda to me.
  • edited 11:17AM
    Misscara, if their remit could also be widened to deal with those cretins who choose to leave their dirty cigarette butts on the pavement too then I'm all for the hit squads. Even more so if they could branch out into public floggings for people who just throw a still burning cigarette in whatever direction their deranged fancy takes them.
  • edited 11:17AM
    I often email Islington Council about rubbish, graffiti etc. as they've got a pretty good record at doing things in response.

    If there's a method that works, seems to me to make sense to use it.
  • IanIan
    edited 11:17AM
    I often email Islington Council about rubbish, graffiti etc as they have a poor record at doing anything but pressure eventually makes them sit up a little.
  • Hanging from lamposts outside the Park Tavern pub in Tollington Park are huge Islington Council adverts, which say roughly that the streets in area are getting special attention from Islington Council and a phone number to ring to ask them what they mean by this. Has anyone rung the number? And how many faults can you find in that stretch of Tollington Park; and Stroud Green Rd to Crouch Hill station that aren't getting fixed then if this is an area that is getting special attention?If the area is getting special attention what's being done? Stroud Green Rd between Tollington Park and Crouch Hill train station often looks scruffy to me with rubbish bags and litter strewn around and fag ends on the pavements and regular fly tips etc. I appreciate the council do their best but it wouldn't hurt to clean more in my opinion especially as this is a big going out street. People told me that when they mail the council the council does get the fly tips the graffiti and the rubbish cleared up effectively.But if you shove your mrs mopp style moans on this forum its bound to give the councils a kick up the ar-e if you will excuse my French unless they aren't bovvered which I don't think is the case from what I heard. This isn't council bashing for the sake of it I hope.
  • edited 11:17AM
    Rather than asking others what happens if you call the number, perhaps you could call it yourself and then post your feedback and the results here? I think that Islington council's derriere will be untroubled by postings on the forum.
  • edited 11:17AM
    @Ian For rubbish, graffiti etc I find works pretty well. Don't know if you're trying a different route?
  • Why so sure of yourself miss annie? methinks the lady doth protest too much. Housewives have got this forum locked, with their yadda yadda yadda about how they don't want 24 hour a day supermarkets where u can buy booze 24 hrs, but they do want homogenous non independent chain stores like Sainsburys on SG RD; and knitting groups; so lets get more political and call Islington and Harringey Councils to account especially as they are responsible for each side of SG Rd especially with a general erection cumming up lets have a masdebate and spray our opinions around man 4 real.. I won't be phoning Islington Council thank you very much. But punters with time on their hands or local newspaper reporters as we call them from the local rags might follow up the story if there are no stories to write about cats up trees this week,or budding journalist kids on their okay gap yah! Why do you think that Islington or Haringey Council will be untroubled by postings on this forum? Sounds defeatist to me. Are you suggesting that Islington Council is too arrogant to listen to the local punters like you? If so you have to question the quality of the words you write on this forum miss annie. Try and write something positive that might lead to positive change I know it might be difficult for you and your housewife chums who want to chat about where to buy the best cheese at the local deli etc. Councils got their own agenda but the punters got to have their say gnar'war i mean... might be a waste of breath but mandem gotta try 4real...keep up da mandem pressure on da badboy councils in da hood...smoke it live it love it love...
  • IanIan
    edited March 2010
    @markpack I find the council don't respond that well at all - and why should we have to put pressure on to get what seems to be standard service in other parts of the borough? Why they don't put as much effort into Tollington as they seem to in cleaning up other wards annoys me. Even simple things such as why is the bins service different here than it is in Highbury? Why do we have crappy old bins not Wheely bins?
  • edited 11:17AM
    What a dull thread. Slagging off the methods of contacting the council that you don't use? I don't really understand.
  • edited March 2010
    Me neither, I reckon that if the council advise you to call them and helpfully provide the right number it's got to be worth a try.
    And just fyi I'm too busy to go on cheese hunting expeditions as sadly I'm not a housewife.Innit
  • edited March 2010
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • To Tosscat, Miss Annie and Misscara,the words pot kettle and black spring to mind,maybe your village is missing their idiot? Nar'mean. If you send an Email to to report your mrs mopp type complaints they do the job, I never wrote that they didn't. Theo Walcott rapid pace off the bench, goal, Theo 4 England squad...
  • Today,Thursday,Islington Council have officially announced on their website that they will remove all chewing gum from the pavements of The Stroud Green Rd at the junction of SG Rd and Tollington Park and to Crouch Hill Station in response to 'the northern heights' comments on the website: a spokesman for Islington Council wrote on the official Islington Council website: " We will remove all the chewing gum from SG Rd pavements in response to what northern heights wrote on the Stroud website." Islington Council also reported that gypsies or travellers as they politically correctly call them had invaded The Parkland Walk overnight and had parked their caravans on The Parkland Walk from The Oxford Rd entrance to the parkland walk for over 1125 metres and they are literally bombarding the luxury gardens and balconies of Florence Rd that back onto the Parkland Walk with a ww2 style barrage of onions,carrots,turnips and other assorted allotment based vegetables in a land grab attempt to set up a permanent gypsy encampment on the Parkland Walk."Nothing has been seen like this since the blitz but we must respect cultural diverisity", said an Islington Council spokesman.
  • edited 11:17AM
    Travellers on Parkland Walk? What is this? 1993?
  • edited 11:17AM
    YES, i think this is a REALLY REALLY Important thing for Islington Council to do. Definitely. Stop wasting time housing people and trying to stop crime and anti-social behaviour, and clean up that chewing gum!!
  • edited 11:17AM
    Is spitting your chewing gum on the floor not anti-social behaviour?
    Sure, Councils need to house people and try to stop crime but that doesn't mean they don't still have a responsibility to take care of all the small things too.

    And don't get me started on differentiating crime from "anti-social behaviour" like it's something to be treated differently. Grrr.
  • More 1st April than 1993, okyahgamuffin... Catchin jokes... It would be nice if gypsy caravans did invade the parkland walk though,it would put the florence rd, stroud green, guardian reading liberals so called liberal values to the test, as real gypsies became their neighbours... they would be puttiing their liberal values on hold to protect their house prices no doubt...then back to liberal values at their dinner parties once the travellers caravans had moved on... The Sun newspaper had a nice April F joke - the flavoured newspaper page - lots of punters licking the pages of the sun newspaper on the trains and buses today no doubt... before they realised the jokes... N4omi - i dont know if you care about social housing for locals or not or you just want to make snide remarks for the sake of it like some of the people on here? Haringey Labour Council say only five per cent of the Hornsey Town Hall development in Crouch End will be social housing compared to ten per cent social housing in other developements,they are getting rid of the public toilets by Hornsey library and carving up the village green opposite Budgens with a path straight threw it to Hornsey Town Hall and reducing the area of village green open space by shoving it back from near to the road by bustop opposite budgens . So much for Labour Haringey Council standing up for social housing needs of locals,oh yes and they are shoving the social housing next to Prosperos books and Lloyds TSB well away from the private housing. There should be more social housing here why five percent not ten percent social housing?Where is the public consultation for the public to register complaints? something on page 2 of hornsey and crouch end journal today about a local ladies plans to negotiate with thames water about setting up allotments on the covered reservoirs of mount view rd... and budgens putting gardens for locals on the roof of their supermarket. boooyakasha...
  • edited 11:17AM
    I for one have just stopped reading any of tnh's posts. Nothing personal, but I just can't see the point.
  • edited 11:17AM
    I, for another one, am thinking of only reading tnh's posts from now on.
  • edited 11:17AM
    I'm going to take the middle ground and only read some of them.
  • edited 11:17AM
    @jandb What about you read them all but only every other word?
  • edited 11:17AM
    Well don't I feel a prize twat.
    I will continue to read TNH's posts but will be sure to check the date before doing so.
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