New Costa?



  • I got a letter published once in Melody Maker asking what the braile on the back of Venus & Mars meant
  • Stevie we love you
  • @ Andy.  Everett True was fairly unimportant in my life in the 90s.  I made a comment about him because he represented the way music journalism was going at the time. I read his articles at first then skipped them, the same way I have watched ITV and don't watch it now, unless I'm surprised something amazing is on it. I like some of Hole and Nirvana's music, but I found the media circus around them tiresome.  Everett seemed like a nice man but he helped create tabloid MM/NME journalism.  Could be wrong.  I'm sure as usual Andy you are an expert on this like on everything else in life.  NME and MM's journalism got worse and worse through the 90s. I think music did too and I was young at the  time and knew many people in the music biz including journalists and wrote and made music myself.  This is my opinion based on experience.  Please don't keep being so patronising.  There's cutting edge music out there for sure. It just seems to be so hidden and 20 years olds tell me this too.
  • Andy, patronising? How could you be so harsh, Kreuzkav! Our host is the sweetest, mildest, modes test,cleverest, charmingest host who ever lived. And, it has to be admitted - as vain as a peacock. Whoops! Stand by for a smart retort!
  • Oh god, not this row again. It takes all sorts as my grandma would say.
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