I finally got fed up of the non-existent Vodafone signal in my flat, and reported it to Vodafone, who have determined that this is because of weak 3G signal in the area. <br><br>They've said that the more people who contact them about having similar problems (weak/no 3G etc), the more chance there is of them fixing it. <br><br>So if you're a Vodafone customer, please please please submit a network issue report via their forum:<br>
http://forum.vodafone.co.uk/t5/Network/Network-Issues-How-to-report-one-to-us-and-find-out-the-latest/td-p/666783<br><br>In the meantime, if you've got a smartphone and have a weak phone signal, you'll need to disable 3G on your phone. <br>