Yeah, I think it's more somewhere suited to pre/post-show drinks than settling in. Fun to meet people &c, but I'd suggest reverting to a pub next time.
It became increasingly noisy later, with one guy, who had a healthy set of lungs, was giving us a tinnitus. Was lovely to meet some old (as in I knew them before) and new faces. Sorry to hear you had such a headache, Misscara. Hope you're feeling better today.<br>I personally sound like I've been out all night, drinking, smoking and shouting. I swear I wasn't. <br>
Apologies for my absence, it was my birthday this week and people ended up insisting that I went out for birthday drinks. Not feeling all that well today.
Happy birthday back. Hope this makes you feel better: I don't know why, but my brain insisted in reading Ark(L)ady; therefore I was convinced you're a woman. What's worse: I also thought you're in your fifties. People educated me yesterday. <br>
Lovely to meet you all yesterday! My vocal chords struggled to keep up with the noise levels so would be very happy to meet in a quieter place next time. Daytime's good too.
Happy Birthday Arkady. Had been hoping to ask you how it is that you know that I have a fella cutting hair at Vitor's. Are you some kind of super cyber spy?
Lovely to see everyone yesterday! A future daytime meet would be good - on a weekend, I guess? Preferably a non-footie day, though. Happy Birthday, @Arkady!
@Luirette - came up in conversation, and he mentioned the book club thread, and some details about it that made me figure our who you were. No sleuthing needed.
Given his Vitor connection I figure that he might be Chang.
good to see u all - bit older and more careworn than expected (expect stella!) but lively and noisy and i wish jez had showed up<div><br></div><div>chang</div>