Stabbing at the Tesco...



  • edited 3:19PM
    @ Andy, fair enough, esp re the shoplifting thing, but "travel around Europe and you simply don't see these issues manifested on the street in the same way." Seriously? I really can't agree with you there. Even Switzerland and Norway have mentalists and crack heads on park benches. Albeit fragrant, clean benches. Or were you making a different point?
  • edited 3:19PM
    I always imagine that most of Eastern Europe locks them up.
  • edited August 2008
    An unfortunate consequence of this episode is that Tesco has banned Stuart from selling The Big Issue on their property. Edit: Ahem ... "allegedly". That’s a shame. If you’re interested in what happened – or if you don’t know Stuart – have a little chat next time you pass or buy his magazine. He’s worried that people will think he’s a troublemaker. With hope, should the case come to trial (which is likely) this mess will get cleaned up, along with Stuart’s reputation. I’m posting this because I believe, like Tesco, that every little helps.
  • edited 3:19PM
    Oh no - where's his pitch going to be now?
  • He’ll still be on The Bench of Lost Souls outside because that’s not Tesco property. If I’ve got this right –- and don’t quote me –- I understand that the line of brass studs outside the shops on SGR indicates the border between what constitutes “premises” and the public highway?

    Anyway, what it means for The Big Issue seller is that he no longer has a sheltered site from which to sell his magazine, which is fine if the weather holds out. I don’t suppose they owe him a site anyway, so I guess it’s their prerogative.

    Perhaps the grocery giant believes it lost vital business while the Police cordoned off the entrance? I couldn’t possibly comment. Whatever the facts, I can’t imagine that the incident had a massive impact on <del> Tesco squeezing the lifeblood out of the community </del> profits.

    A lesson for all of us: if you’re going to be the victim of an unprovoked stabbing, please have the courtesy to do it on public property and not in the entrance of a global retail outlet.
  • edited 3:19PM
    To be honest Phil, I don't think that's entirely fair. The Tesco on Stroud Green Road nestles quite happily alongside many cafes, restaurants, pubs and smaller specialist grocery shops, butchers, offies and newsagents. I've lived in the area long enough to see that they aren't squeezing the lifeblood out of it. I also think that the people that work in the SGR Teco are a really friendly helpful bunch.

    It *is* harsh that the Big Issue seller isn't allowed under their awning but hardly surprising. I don't think you'd find many shops, chain stores or no, that would do different, however upsetting or unfair that is. I'm sure the new ban will not last long, because as I said, the people that work in Tesco are not horrible, just trying to get on with their lives like everyone else.
  • edited August 2008
    Ooh, careful now, I never said that the staff were horrible or unfriendly. But no, Emma, I think you’re right; it wasn’t entirely fair. I was being a bit naughty there, wasn’t I? (Slaps wrists).

    Interesting comment, though: “It *is* harsh that the Big Issue seller isn't allowed under their awning but hardly surprising.”

    I must say I find it very surprising. Honestly I do. But like I mentioned, it is their prerogative. Even so, I don’t actually get the reasoning behind this: why punish someone for being a victim? I mean –- and heaven forbid I hope it never happens–- but would you expect a ban if someone assaulted you in the doorway of one of the many cafes, restaurants, pubs and smaller specialist grocery shops, butchers, offies and newsagents? If not, why should Stuart be banned?

    I’m glad you’re sure that the new ban won’t last for long, though. I’m hoping that all will be resolved, too.

    Edit: I also like that you mention Tesco and Nestles in the same sentence –- a Freudian slip, perhaps, or is that just me? Hmmm, I think that’s just me. :)
  • edited 3:19PM
    @Andy and the manifestation on the streets - I'm with Colette on the perceived difference in mainland Europe. I'd list the cities but every single one I've been to has at least an equivalent and I imagine the ones I haven't been to have too. Just coming back from Berlin, I'd suggest our much maligned land isn't as bad as some others. Punishing the victim is as old as the dinosaurs.
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