Google Street View

edited March 2009 in Local discussion
Looks like the photo cars were outside the Dairy just at the right moment for our boys in blue... <,-0.12233&sspn=0.007341,0.022745&ie=UTF8&ll=51.570535,-0.11526&spn=0.003508,0.011373&z=17&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=51.570624,-0.115107&panoid=kSoIs6aCDDLTreEgpYEqug&cbp=12,228.18300546547601,,0,8.735849056603808>; I wonder if they caught the pheasants... PS had a number of goes at making this a link and failed every time....


  • edited March 2009
    ooh err. Potential burglars can see the kind of people that leave open windows etc etc. (even though it's not "live")....
  • edited 5:57PM
    There's some local urchins outside the Noble - is it any of you lot?
  • edited 5:57PM
    Bizarrely, you can't cross the bridge at Crouch Hill station. So the stretch of road between The Noble and Trinder Road is missing.
  • edited 5:57PM
    woot, woodstock road is (mostly) on! fame! recognition! burglars?
  • edited 5:57PM
    I'm loving this new Google Where's Wally game. I've identified a couple of work colleagues having a crafty fag outside my office in central London.

    (btw, judging by the Euro 2008 signs outside the Larrik, and the Evening Standard headlines outside Finsbury Pk station, I'd say they mapped our neck of the woods on the afternoon of Monday 23rd June last year)
  • edited 5:57PM
    We've been playing Where's Wally too. I spotted a colleague outside the office - he's in at least 3 pictures from different angles at different stages of crossing the road! Another of my colleagues is also in a shot and she says she remembers seeing the van going past at the time. Good work on pin-pointing the date mapsa! Have you thought of a career in private investigatism? (Is that even a word?!)
  • RegReg
    edited 5:57PM
    I agree that the 23rd is a probable date since the position of my recycling bin suggests it has been flung up the path. This happens every Monday, and the 23rd was a Monday...
  • RegReg
    edited 5:57PM
    Some kind of police sting going on at the corner of Almington and Thorpedale. I say 'sting', more of a chat. On bicycles. SO N4...
  • edited 5:57PM
    We could combine two threads here. Can anyone spot a celeb in Stroud Green on Google Street View?
  • edited 5:57PM
    Very interesting how little of Victoria/Westminster seems to be covered. Also seems like they were followed by police for most of their photography.
  • edited 5:57PM
    I spotted the tramp who hangs out in the doorway of my working folding up her bed!
  • edited 5:57PM
    tosscat - is that you with the can of special brew on the bench outside tesco?
  • RegReg
    edited 5:57PM
    Or running topless along Evershott?
  • edited 5:57PM
    i found a mistake. start at the bottom of fonthill road, move north and it switches into a completely different street.
  • edited 5:57PM
    whenever i'm on fonthill road, i try to switch into a different street as soon as possible
  • edited 5:57PM
    Maybe its the same street, but a portal back to Fonthill in Busby's day.
  • edited 5:57PM
    Try going down Mount View Road from the Crouch Hill side towards the covered resevoir - you end up running into a brick wall!
  • edited 5:57PM
    I tried that too - was trying to see what the view was like from next to the reservoir, but that whole stretch off road is not included. Presumably something to do with not wanting our water supply tampered with, unless there is something secret going on under there...
  • edited 5:57PM
    The top part of MPV goes down the path behind it rather than the actual street
  • edited March 2009
    Ultimate humiliation. I've found myself fag in hand outside the White Lion. I can't for the life of me think WTF dragged me in there on an afternoon last summer. Now I think back I remember the google car going down the road. It looked like the little Islington smart cars with CCTV on the top but it was black.
    Now I'm shamed for the world to see :(
  • edited 5:57PM
    if you go down to jai krishna, you can see the google car reflected in the window.
  • edited 5:57PM
    Yes that's the one. Wish I'd been caught having a fag outside Jai Krishna rather than the White Lion.
  • edited March 2009
    I'll have to check that out... My mother, who lives in Liverpool, has been addicted to this for the past few days. She loves it! She's been all over and only today did she form the opinion that it might be a bit invasive! I had to laugh.
  • edited 5:57PM
    i totally don't get the "invasion of privacy" or "invitation to burglars" thing - surely it's no different than just walking/driving around? if you step outside, surely you can have no expectation of privacy. if i take a photo in the street and then put it online, there's no reason for me to blur faces or car registration plates. i know plenty of borderline obsessive-compulsive photographers, who document *everything*, and upload it all to flickr or facebook or whatever, and there's no moral panic about these people.
  • edited 5:57PM
    exactly, you have to laugh!
  • edited 5:57PM
    If there's one thing you can be sure of in this country today its that a moral panic is always just around the corner.
  • edited 5:57PM
    today's news is tomorrow's fish wrapping
  • edited 5:57PM
    Outside the Noble is my mate having a fag. Black shirt and red tie, sat at one of the benches. Fame!
  • edited 5:57PM
    They got lost when they tried to turn off Mount View Road into Mount Pleasant Villas
  • edited 5:57PM
    Thanks for remembering me David, however I have to say that the last time I was in Fonthill Road was about 1949. Looking at the road now in GSV doesn't awaken any sign of recognition. Then it was a dump, really.
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