
edited March 2006 in About this site
Anyone wanting to format their posts better, [Markdown]( is the tool to use - don't forget to click the Markdown radio when posting...


  • edited 9:04AM
    £5 says no-one will ever use markdown....
  • edited 9:04AM
    You're already facing the wrong end of a rather rash £35 bet. Markdown is good, and makes things easier so thought I'd just promote it a little. Though no, I won't be taking you up on this particular bet.
  • edited 9:04AM
    david, david, why on earth don't you take andy up on this particular bet?

    I assume that this is David K. who's telling us about markdown. I would bet that dan or David F. would happily use markdown just to get andy to cough up £5.

    Hell I would if he didn't pay my mortgage and I didn't need him to keep his money!
  • edited 9:04AM
    Dan still hasn't joined.
  • edited 9:04AM
    We're running tonight. I shall remind him.
  • edited March 2006
    He doesn't email, he doesn't call. It's like he lives on the other side of the world, rather than the other side of Crouch End.
  • edited 9:04AM
    Maybe he doesn't like you??
  • edited 9:04AM
    Bit late for that. He's stuck with me.

    It's because I don't like running. I don't fit in with his new age californian wholewheat and crystals lifestyle.
  • edited 9:04AM
    you're probably right - I guess I do view you as more pie & chips than holistic remedies.........
  • edited 9:04AM
    i'm not sure i'd go that far.

    Langley used to be pie and chips, once upon a time. Ginsters never recovered from his emigration.
  • edited 9:04AM
    See, a whole load of banter here and not one markdown format in sight. Holistic Ginsters. Now there's a thought.
  • edited 9:04AM
    We were driving along the other week and I thought "oh, someone's opened a ginsters steak slice". Then I realised that the smell was actually coming from the boot, where the dog had been sick.

    So I can't even look at them any more.
  • edited 9:04AM
    Time to switch to Pukka Pies then.
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