BNP graffiti

Has anyone else noticed the big blue swastika and BNP slogan under Parkland Walk on Mount Pleasant Villas?


Just wondering if anyone has already informed the council? I assume there's a number to call for this sort of thing.


  • edited 11:55PM
    There's another one outside William Hill's on Crouch Hill.
  • edited 11:55PM
    Here's the details.

    Graffiti and flyposting
    The council is committed to tackling graffiti and fly posting. Like vandalism, this is an anti-social problem.

    Please help us to stamp it out by reporting any incidents of graffiti and fly-posting that you see.

    You can report this by using the council's report a problem page, or
    You can call the hotline on 0845 073 1979.
    We aim to remove obscene and/or racist graffiti within 24 working hours of it being reported and all other reported graffiti within 3 working days.

    Frontline Services Business Support team

    Tel: 020 8489 1335
    Fax: 020 8489 1331

    Alternatively, contact your local Police Station.
  • edited 11:55PM
    i like the anti-mugabe slogans around the back of the park (over the railway bridge and down endymion road)... do they think he'll see it?
  • edited 11:55PM
    I've reported the Crouch Hill graffiti to Islington.
  • edited May 2009
    @flembo: thanks for the helpful post, I may start outsourcing more things that I could easily Google for myself to :) @unaesthetic: maybe Bob will see it next time he stops by on Endymion Road to meet our friendly local BNPer
  • edited 11:55PM
    I must remember to ask Haringey Council to explain to me the difference between "24 working hours" and "3 working days".
  • edited 11:55PM
    I also like how they've managed to spell "flyposting" in three different ways.
  • edited 11:55PM
    As much as I despise the BNP and everything they stand for, publishing a list of members is unforgivable. How is it anyone's business how these people vote?

    Political affiliation is a private matter, unless the person chooses to make it public. I haven't seen any pro-BNP posters on Endymion Road. Have you?

    I bet the people who published that list are the first decry any government policy that invades their own privacy.
  • edited 11:55PM
    Either way, I didn't know there was a "South Crouch End" Not quite as catchy as Stroud Green, but then not quit the same place
  • edited 11:55PM
    @rainbow_carnage: I take your point and I've removed the link.
  • edited 11:55PM
    *How is it anyone's business how these people vote?* These are members, not voters. There's quite a specific implication: if you are a member of the BNP, you will be dismissed as a policeman and prison officer. <>;
  • edited 11:55PM
    That's bad and wrong, too.

    The BNP is a legal political organisation. We may not like them, but they have every right to vote for whomever they choose. There are plenty of bigots who do not belong to the BNP. They are allowed to join the Met. BNP members aren't being punished for their repulsive views, but rather for their political affiliation.

    Obviously, if the person is guilty of active bigotry, on or off the job, they should be sacked. But not for joining a political party.

    And what about other extreme groups? The BNP is nowhere near as bad as it gets. Historically, the Left in this country have done some very nasty things, supported some really terrible people.

    Singling out the BNP just isn't right.
  • edited 11:55PM
    Just to say that I'm outsourcing my contribution to this debate to the good people of November 2008, who have [done this to death]( over on the Guardian's Comment Is Free blog.
  • edited 11:55PM
    They even graffitied* someone's van.

    *(could Colette help here?)
  • edited 11:55PM
    I'd hyphenate it, or use 'vandalised' instead, but I'm not Colette.
  • edited 11:55PM
    Actually, I think that singling out the BNP is a perfectly reasonable response to the dangers that they represent and the violence they both advocate and practice.
    I'm glad that there is no consensus here about publishing their addresses.
  • edited 11:55PM
    I'm happy with graffitied, as is my Chambers.
  • edited 11:55PM
    i don't understand why political affiliation should be private - unless you're genuinely ashamed of your own beliefs, what do you have to hide? i reckon that your voting record should be tattooed on your forehead, so when the bloody tories get in we can see who's responsible.
  • edited 11:55PM
    You, unaesthetic, not we. The site remains non-political and has a clean, uninked forehead.
  • edited 11:55PM
    i'm usually a proud abstainer. i disagree with everyone... although not nearly as much as rainbow_carnage. ;)
  • edited 11:55PM
    just get out and vote in the Euro elections. There is potential the BNP might get in due to low voter turnout. Apathy appears to be the new cool; but it isn't.
  • edited 11:55PM
    okay - how should i vote then mr nick?
  • edited 11:55PM
    you're confusing "actively disagreeing with at least one major platform of all the candidates" with "not caring". they're quite different.
  • edited 11:55PM
    On Newsnight last night, someone from the BNP was pleading for people to "stop hitting them with the racism stick". Anyone have any better ideas for sticks we can hit them with? Big wooden ones?
  • edited 11:55PM
    Careful unaesthetic, ambivalence in politics can lead to apathy over a period of time. Did for me at least.
  • edited 11:55PM
    Haven't noticed it before, but someone has done a massive 'RIP Ian Tomlinson' on the back of the new-ish mews houses on Beatrice Road (off Oakfield). Only visible from the train, or by lanky folk walking up Endymion...
  • edited 11:55PM
    Yes no doubt the council have a dedicated 24 hour team to remove offensive items such as this.

    Try calling up about something simple like coucil tax, forget about it you will be on the phone all day........
  • edited 11:55PM
    egg throwing: ova reacting? or a good way to quiche him a lesson?
  • edited 11:55PM
    i mean he did bugger oeuf when he saw they weren't yolking
  • edited 11:55PM
    ah c'mon, someone must advocaat these tactics.
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