
edited June 2009 in Local discussion
Loving the sesame seed bloomer from Woody's lately... is there a better loaf in SG?


  • edited 7:41AM
    A good butcher and a good baker would complete the set for SG, I feel...
  • edited 7:41AM
    wot no candlestick maker?
  • edited 7:41AM
    SG would really steal the show if it had a good gay venue.
  • AliAli
    edited 7:41AM
    There is a good butcher on Crouch Hill just up from the Larrik.

    There used to be a Gay pub called the Flag. It is now the Nobel.

    There must be a gay venue in SGR somewhere. How about Sugar Lounge ?
  • edited 7:41AM
    That's interesting, the Nobel seems to have been everything in the past. Re Sugar Lounge, I really mean gay, not 'gay', ie. horse tranquilizer and ghastly party themes, not board games and faghags!
  • edited 7:41AM
    Though we were all integrated now?
  • edited 7:41AM
    @marquis - you may be the first to say the Stroud Green would be perfect if it had more ketamine.
  • edited 7:41AM
    lol Andy, was just being poetic. Let it be poppers then.
  • edited 7:41AM
    yeah, the integration is almost complete in some of sgr - there's always a gay couple in petek and pizza p it's usually me, lol at the petek opening it was mandatory to be gay and/or under 5.
  • edited 7:41AM
    Back to the orginal subject bread from Woody's. I was lucky enough to buy a loaf of Hovis last week , which had the sell by date of 6th June. All good so far - I have been caught out there before. When I got home I noticed that the bag had been gnawed through and so had one of the slices. Maybe a recurrence of the rat problem that Woody's express were done for by the council. It also nice to see the lady behind the olive couter stuffing her face then serving just afterwards.
  • edited 7:41AM
    Bread is definitely the biggest loss since we moved here from the supposed food desert of Tottenham. We had a TFC supermarket which made fantastic Turkish bread on the premises. Woody's is a dead loss in comparison. On the upside, there's 12 plain bagels for £3 at the Happening Bagel Bakery, and if you get them fresh and warm they're brilliant.
  • edited 7:41AM
    yasar halim > sg area bakeries, m'fraid.
  • edited 7:41AM
    OK then - best bagels?

    On quality (but not price I suppose), has to be Dunns. Last time I bought some the young gal behind the counter said 'best bagels I know - and I'm from New York'.

    Dunns is the only facility where CE really wins out on SG.
  • edited 7:41AM
    hum, must try those... my top bagel grade goes to ess-a-bagel in nyc. they ship internationally and the bagels are good enough that we've seriously considered having some sent here...
  • edited 7:41AM
    thank the lord you didn't let me down unaesthetic re: yesir halim
  • edited 7:41AM
    @shaunG: The woody's sesame bloomers are baked in tottenham
  • edited June 2009
    A shop has just opened on Hornsey Road (on the junction with Tollington Park) called something like "bakery outlet" . It was closed when I went by on Sunday but from what I could see it had a sitting area and an espresso machine - so it might be more of a cafe.
  • edited 7:41AM
    "Bakery Outlet" is a bit of a rubbish name. That's pretty much the opposite end of the scale to my personal favourite, "Bread N Ting" in St Paul's in Bristol, which gets top bakery-naming marks from me. <>;
  • edited 7:41AM
    I had an egg custard tart and a croissant from Bakery Outlet at the weekend. Egg custard was no good - tasteless filling and flimsy pastry. Croissant was oily, rather than buttery.

    We've got bread at the moment, but when it runs out, I'll try a loaf from B.O.
  • FinFin
    edited 7:41AM
    There is a bakery wholesalers at that end of Tollington Park, supplies a lot of the supermarkets and "Artisan Bakers" in North London, so maybe it's something to do with that.
  • edited 7:41AM
    Basically it's a bread version of [this](
  • edited 7:41AM
    I just popped in for a loaf but since it was after 2pm they couldn't slice it (they have to go down the road to the bakery to do this). The cakes looked nice and they seem to have fancy breads at reasonable prices.

    I haven't actually eaten any of it yet but it's the heaviest loaf I have ever encountered. I hope the new place does well, it would be nice to see Hornsey Road feeling some of the SGR love. I'll report back when I have tasted it. I bet you can't wait.
  • edited 7:41AM
    Bread report: so far I have sampled 2 multigrain loaves, 3 ciabattas and a slice of carrot cake from 'Bakery Outlet'. I'm thrilled to report that they were all very nice and I can now stop buying the horrible 'bread' that Tesco sells.
  • edited 7:41AM
    thanks missfrancesca. I might splash out for a multi-grain on saturday.
  • edited June 2009
    The Bread Outlet is part of <a href="" target="bread">The Ciabatta Bread Company</a>, which has its main bakery behind what used to be the Italian Deli on Hornsey Road. The Italian Deli, of course, moved to CE and became Spiazzo.
  • FinFin
    edited 7:41AM
    On a desperate search for a local baker, I tracked these guys down and sent them an email several months ago to see if they sold direct to the general public, although they never responded.
  • edited 7:41AM
    I've had a few generous slices of the the seeded wholemeal effort, and I can confirm that it's an excellent loaf. Fin - maybe a trip to wonderful Hornsey Road is in your future?

    On an unrelated Hornsey Road note, I finally tried a curry from the takeaway next to Mr Cee's. The establishment seems to have been in refit for about six months, only to emerge looking like a barber shop from the mid nineties with a disused kitchen area in the back. Anyway, the food wasn't as awful as I dreaded it might be, but it certainly wasn't good.
  • FinFin
    edited 7:41AM
    Certainly is Steve.

    My wife is from the continent and used to good bakers and excellent, fresh bread being available on every high street, so this will be very welcome in our household. Will be along this weekend.
  • edited June 2009
    I get my Turkish bread from Costcutter on Hornsey Road. they bake it on the premises, and it's close. poxy, I always wondered what happened to The Italian Deli - but are you sure it became Spiazzo? The owner if TID - who walks with a cane - was last seen by myself in the deli next to Christopher Charles on SGR. Some time ago, though.
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