Old Dairy is a Canary

edited July 2009 in Local discussion
Had a lousy Sunday roast in the Old Dairy Yesterday.
The Beef was full of fat the roast potatoes overdone and the vegetables undercooked.

There is nothing like spending 14 pounds on a roast and leaving a pub hungry.

Im heading back to the N4, thats my trip outside done for this year.....


  • AliAli
    edited 8:16AM
    Go to THe Noble much better
  • edited 8:16AM
    I had a roast at N19 on Sunday and it was delicious (and only £9.50)
  • edited 8:16AM
    Roast dinners in July? Lordy.
  • edited 8:16AM
    Sorry to hear about your poor Sunday Roast, N4 bandit.

    I have been managing here for almost 3 months and have been trying very hard to improve the food here, so i am genuinely annoyed that you had a bad meal. Did you happen to mention to any of the staff on duty that you werent happy with your meal ?

    I have now reduced the price of our roasts to £13 . If you would like to introduce yourself to me on your next visit i would be happy to give you your meal on the house.

    As for The Noble Ali i have not tried their roast yet, but will this Sunday, thanks for the tip .

    Regards Adam H
  • edited July 2009
    I'm Spartacus!
  • AliAli
    edited 8:16AM
    Hi theolddairy

    How was the roast at the competition up the road ?
  • edited July 2009
    Yes it was good ! Not that i would be suprised if it wasnt. I have eaten in there a few times and really liked it. Good team and Adams a good chef.
    Be a real shame if it gets sold and turned into something else ! carrying on as a pub is much better for round here.
    Stroud green needs more decent pubs !
  • edited 8:16AM
    Has the Old Dairy stopped selling short pints yet? I'm not into the whole Tell-us if-your-pint-is-short business, it just royaly cocks me off big time. And yes I expect mind-reading skills from all staff. I'm tempted to dig out that photo of the Larrick's signage one day....

    Oh alriiiiight, things have got alot better recently.... but still! This retrospective venting going on. Oh and the other thing is that the Old Dairy doesn't seem to smell of toilet [urinal] 'cubes/cakes' now. Seriously, that was really, really baaaaad.

    Did I mention the short pints? harrumpf.
  • edited July 2009
    short pints as in your beer has a head (like it's supposed to) and you're a cheap sod? or short pints like you get two thirds of a glassful?

    when i used to be a pub bartender, the two main complaints were from a) the cheapo wankers who complained about short measures if there was <i>any kind of head at all</i> and b) from the 'real ale' types who made a fuss if there wasn't the right amount of head.
  • edited 8:16AM
    WAIT WAIT WAIT what chances the Noble being sold and turned into flats?
  • edited 8:16AM
    Is this reverberations of the old rumour or is this a fresh new rumour?
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