Benches outside Tesco



  • edited 1:24PM
    Good grief. Where do we start with this one?
  • edited 1:24PM
    God what have I signed up to ?
  • I would like a badge of me being brilliant standing rampant and colossus-like over the ruins of the Internet shouting, "I win!" Below, Arkady and Misscara reach out of the ashes with olive branches.

    Anyway, you're not allowed to post on this thread cos I won it. 
  • edited 1:24PM
    Hold on, I won first prize further up the thread. Do we have to have a fight now? And does it have to be about benches?
  • edited 1:24PM
    Are you Norton, the Prisoner of London?
  • Person who has the last word wins the thread. You also win all the intelligence of the previous posters. Like conkers. I'm clever than Jeremy and Arkady cos I won the Internet and will probably now transcend into some fuck-off amazing super higher-dimensional diety. Dunno why you're here, Emma and AGDADS. Maybe my super-mind created you out of the memories of Checkski.  Confuses me. I move in mysterious ways.

    You must now go forth together and create a brand new internet. Make it beautiful.
  • edited 1:24PM
    I think this is my favourite thread ever.
  • edited 1:24PM
    Right, so I've got the last word now, so I win.

    This could run and run.
  • edited 1:24PM
    Are we done yet?
  • edited 1:24PM
    God-damn - I go down the pub for a few pints and all hell breaks loose! At school - yes boarding school you commies! the last person to have a say after lights out would have to end the sentence with "grr". I bet I get expelled from the site for going to boarding school now - not very Grr
  • Soggy Biscuit anyone?
  • edited 1:24PM
    I've just had lunch JFJ, but thanks for the offer. grr
  • RegReg
    edited 1:24PM
    I don't get how the Grr thing works.
  • edited 1:24PM
    The rules were never really that clear, to be honest. But if you were the last to say "goodnight" or you said something like "good work on the rugger pitch this afternoon Smithers" and you slipped in "grr" at the end of the sentence, just as everyone was nodding off, you couldn't let it lie and would then have to come up with another signing-off clause, which if you then added "grr" to the end of, the dare was thrown down for someone else to sign-off likewise. The winner was the person who signed-off, with a "grr" unchallenged. I guess you had to be there.
  • edited 1:24PM
    Grr. No returns.

  • edited 1:24PM
  • edited 1:24PM
    I would just like to wish everyone a Happy Friday, a wondrous weekend and a joyous bonfire night. Grr
  • edited 1:24PM

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 1:24PM
    What's all this Grrr about? Grrrr.
  • Ow.

    I just tried to fuck a bonfire.

    I really do need a hug now.
  • edited November 2010
  • AliAli
    edited 1:24PM
    If it was to get rid of sad lady it hasn't worked she was sitting on the ground leaning against a lamp post at 8.30 this morining. Maybe the light also needs to go along with the pavement she was sitting on. She crtainly works long hours as she will still be there this evening no doubt
  • edited 1:24PM
    @Ali Your comment doesn't sit well with your earlier post criticising others for singling out vulnerable individuals. Pots and kettles and all that jazz.
  • JimJim
    edited 1:24PM
    Wow amazing and i thought Stroud green had sound decent people in it?

    Long live the benches and whoever may sit in them!
  • edited 1:24PM
    Actually, everybody, I win -- having started this thread in the first place. But winning isn't the point. This has been a good discussion (much more widely subscribed to than I had expected) but I'm very disappointed by some contributors' seeming lack of concern, not just for the usual street-drinking, (ex-)junkie suspects [all of them harmless and long-standing members of the Stroud Green community in their own right] but for the elderly and disabled people who really did rely on those benches. Are we a community, or are we a bunch of atomised, cynical individuals who couldn't give a toss. On which note, I abandon the debate which I -- perhaps ill-advisedly -- began.
  • edited 1:24PM
    The elderly and disabled people who, as has repeatedly been pointed out, never got a chance to sit on the benches because they were being monopolised by street drinkers and 'ex' junkies. But trust a defender of Stalin not to let the facts get in the way, eh?
  • edited 1:24PM
    I am a bit elderly, and sat on one of the benches quite often. As there were 3 of them, there was always room, and the regulars didn't bother me. I suspect Tesco's organised the removal of the former as they found the latter an embarrassment. What a cheek, if so! What right have they, a mere bloody shop, to decide what the seating arrangements in the SGR theatre should be? I and others feel the need to break our journey, eg from home to the northern end of the street, with no intention of visiting T.

    The Tribune tells us (nice pic, Steve!) that Councillor Somebody-or-other consoles us with the news that T will compensate us with extra seating inside the shop. What a cheek, x2! So only T customers will be allowed to rest their weary bones?

    The commissar is right: the council should have consulted the community. Given the choice between seats and no seats, it's a no-brainer (I've never used that phrase before; have I got it right?): seats is right. Who sits on them is another matter.

    PS. Re this constant sneering at C17's Stalinist beliefs. I don't like S either, but that has nothing to do with this thread. C17 didn't say "In the name of Comrade Stalin, leave those benches be, or it's the gulag for you, matey!" But too many SG orgiasts enjoy vilifying other members of the community, for no good reason.

    Whoops. Somebody is sure to remind me that I don't like some of Tesco's cashiers. In my defence, I don't think I have ever individualised, and would hesitate to do so in a public place, which is where I came in... so now I'll shut up. For now.
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