Location, location.....

edited December 2009 in Local discussion
As previously mentioned I'm getting a new website portrait photo done and now I'm looking for a location, preferably in Stroud Green.

I was thinking of something in the currently popular style, three quarter lenth portrait against an 'interesting' background very sharply rendered .... old brickwork, shabby-chic peeling woodwork, railings, tree trunk, etc. Direct to camera, a bit moody and expressive. Uncluttered. Take a look in a magazine, you see them all the time.

Anybody got any suggestions for bits of wall, old garage doors or otherlikely close-up backgrounds in Stroud Green? I'm not a musician or an actor by the way, and I want to suggest intelligent and cultured, good with words and ideas, not artsy-fartsy. I think I've found a press /magazine photographer do the job, by the way.


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