From April,Islington Council Will Fine People For Not Recycling.



  • RoyRoy
    edited 12:07PM
    @sg steve: But if the council doesn't meet its recycling targets, it risks being fined. Which means the neighbours will either have to pay higher council taxes or put up with reduced services. Both outcomes may very well cause the neighbours some distress. -roy
  • edited 12:07PM
    Arkady - "casuistry" - you've lost me there son.Makes me wish I had paid more attention at skool. Maybe PPE students could pipe up?

    Although to be fair the argument boils down to the value you put on recycling. Is the issue of recycling or the Eu fines worth intimidating local pensioners over?

    Maybe if liberal condem Dave Cameron was a proper tory and had got out of the EU we could have avoided EU fines and intimidation of local pensioners with fines.
  • edited 12:07PM
    You lost me on your second post with 'being given a £110 fine and a criminal record if they choose not to recycle'. Choosing not to recycle and not physically being able to carry a couple of plastic milk bottles and a newspaper to the front door on your way out are two different things. People who choose not recycle should be fined.
  • edited 12:07PM
    SG Steve: You appear to have plenty of time to spend on the internet, yet you're incapable of Googling 'casuistry' and reading the simple Wikipedia summary at the top of the results? I suppose this is in keeping with the way your endless posts either deliberately or clumsily blur the line between genuine inability and 'can't be arsed'.
  • edited 12:07PM
    With respect,I dont agree with you miss annie.

    Ever heard of the phrase: "an englishman's home is his castle"

    The council are psycologically attacking us in our own homes with threats of fines.

    This is England.

    It's about our values as English people and our identity.

    We dont like people telling us what to do in our own home.

    It's about English people,English values and who we are.

    We don't like vulnerable people being threatened by bossy council authorities.

    People get home from work,they flick on the TV and crack open a beer,they don't want to go down 1o flights of stairs when the lift in the towerblock has broken down on the six acres estate or the andover estate and the council did not fix lift again to put out recycling after they have put in a shift on a building site for fear of a fine,it don't matter whether they are are able bodied and dont want to recycle or whether they cant recycle for other reasons .

    It's about values,it's about being English and it's about who we are.

    The Labour Islington Council are attacking us in our own homes with threats of fines maybe because they are weakly intimidated by the EU.

    That's not what living in England is all about and it shows Islington Council have lost the plot and don't know what they are talking about.

    Andy - if you think this is a rant I don't care go and shove an almond crossaint down your gob in a yuppie local cafe on your laptop with wifi - alot of the people on six nations and andover estate cant afford a internet connection so they dont have a voice on this forum so go and get a haircut or something or have a go at tollington tom for being an eccentric individual and not some guardian reading clone
  • edited 12:07PM
    adgs -you are entitled to your opinion.
  • RoyRoy
    edited 12:07PM
    @sg steve: It's central government that threatens to fine local government for failing to meet recycling targets - although whether the threat has any teeth isn't entirely clear to me. I don't think the threat of fines has any direct connection to Brussels - or indeed to Brussels sprouts. Although you should, of course, recycle any uneaten Brussels sprouts in the receptacle provided for the disposal of food waste. -roy
  • edited 12:07PM
    good joke roy about brussel sprouts - that made me chuckle.

    i meant six acres estate not six nations estate -freudian slip if thats the right words - still thinking about how the irish lads (not the paddys) beat us english in the rugby at the weekend in ireland,the irish smashed us up into the air and smashed us onto the ground and showed some class as rugby players,if i am allowed to mention class!

    On a serious point- do tory tory councils in london threaten these aggressive fines to their local people?
  • IanIan
    edited 12:07PM
    Islington didn't even take my recycling this morning so they can't be that bothered...
  • edited 12:07PM
    This is to AdGS -

    no offense son,but you are getting on my nerves a bit.

    with your endless - blah blah blah

    people who read this know what i am talking about

    You wrote " you appear to have plenty of time to spend on the internet...and your endless posts"

    wot and you dont son!

    yeah whatever adgs - blah blah blah adgs says this adgs says that --whatever

    To be honest adgs - the words pot kettle and black spring to mind

    Adgs - you never shut up son.

    You are entitled to your opinion son so no offense but if you are criticising people for chatting to much then you arent the right person to do that as you are one of the most prolific posters on this forum with your endless blah blah blah.

    I'm interested 2 read what you write because alot of it is good stuff.

    But the criticism is hypocritical - and people who read this know what I mean.

    Good point Ian -They aren't bothered about collecting recycling,but they claim that they will fine you for not recycling.

    ps - adgs - what do the letter a d g s stand for?

    I am saying this to you adgs in a good tone of voice not a bad way trying to be polite yeah
  • edited 12:07PM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • RoyRoy
    edited 12:07PM
    @Misscara: I agree. Most of my 'rubbish' is packaging of one sort or another -- and Haringey now recycles plastic trays and pots (which Cambridge didn't) so I will have even less 'rubbish' here. I'm not entirely sure what I think about fining people for not recycling, though. If anything I think I'd prefer the proposal, comprehensively rubbished by the media, of charging people for rubbish by weight -- possibly with some free allowance. -roy
  • edited 12:07PM
    This thread boils down to 'sg steve is angry'.

    Hulk smash yuppie wifi.
  • RoyRoy
    edited 12:07PM
    "Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry"
  • edited 12:07PM
    I think we can also put to bed the theory that I'm sg steve in disguise.
  • edited 12:07PM
    I would like an islington council official to answer this serious matter please? a friend said that he had a number of top shelf jazz mags stashed under his bed,as these mags were well thumbed it was time for a spring clean so to speak. My friend,let's call him "Ron" (not his real name) for the purposes of this,Ron said he wants to know say after 4th April if he throws his jazz mags into a bin bag and puts it into his communal bin at his block of flats will the council isssue him with a £110 fine for not recycling these rude mags if they go through his bins? Because it might be considered rude,and they are very rude mags - possibly illegal - to put the mags into see through islington council recycling bags and leave them on the pavement for the bin men to collect as neighbours might see the mags. If you put these mags in the bin in the street it would be fly tipping an offense that could result in a fine ie dumping household goods in a public bin. These are the sort of questions that the council aren't really answering at the moment. Ron says he is quite concerned about what to do regarding this jazz mag conundrum. Ron is thinking maybe chuck the mags out before 4th april to avoid a fine - but thats difficult really for him getting rid of all those photos of all those lovely ladies.Its quite upsetting for Ron and his mag collection
  • edited 12:07PM
    I just checked my Email and Ron has sent me a mail. Ron seemed quite upset actually,Ron wrote that he can't bring himself to throw away his stash of French top shelf porn jazz mags until after 4th April as he attached to the photos of the naked ladies which he likes looking at of an evening,he can't face putting the mags into his bin after the 4th April and potentially face a £110 fine for not recycling,he doesn't want the shame of his mags being put out on the pavement in islington council see through recycling bags,so Ron says there is only one solution left. Ron says he is going to throw his porn mags into the bushes on the parkland walk when noone is watching,avoiding the beginning of the parkland walk by oxford rd as it is covered by cctv. I told ron not to do this as he could get fined for littering but Ron says that when he was a kid it was almost the law that porn mags should be scattered in the bushes in the park -it never did him any harm finding a discarded porn mag so it wont do the kids of today any harm finding Rons stash of razz mags Ron says. I think Ron is overeacting to Islington Councils threats of fines for not recycling,but Ron claims that he has been forced into this course of action by islington council. Ron's gone over the top this time I think.Terrible isnt it.Sometimes i dont agree with what ron does.
  • edited 12:07PM
    Well there goes any obligation to take you seriously.
  • edited 12:07PM
    Just lob them in a hedge like everyone else.
  • edited 12:07PM
    Man. If anyone ever wanted a prime example of tl;dr...
  • edited 12:07PM
    If you can get your friend "Ron", to post a classified here, I'm sure my friend "Jeremy" would be interested in whatever top shelf material going. Imaginary or not.
  • edited March 2011
    Maybe a system where the portion of council tax that goes towards refuse collection could be refunded, and a instead a charge could be levied on the weight of your weekly bin bag? £2 per kg or something.

    The less you chuck out, the less you pay. That'd surely be a better positive incentive to recycle/compost than the threat of a fine.

    Can only assume this idea of paying for what you use was floated at Islington Council as it seems sort of obvious (TIL that's what they do in parts of Germany), but the idea of having to weigh bins was too much to cope with.

    Unless it leads to more fly tipping.
  • edited 12:07PM
    Yeah, can you imagine the amount of rubbish dumped by the street bins on SGR? And how would it work in a block of flats with communal bins?
  • edited 12:07PM
    best thread ever
  • edited 12:07PM
    @Emma, hmm. You're right. Maybe if it's a communal bin, the residents could rely on mild peer pressure/community spirit to ensure that the minimum amount of rubbish is binned?
  • edited 12:07PM
    I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this but many other councils around the country incentivise recycling. A £20 voucher for reaching a certain amount / weight of recycling. Penalising people sends out utterly the wrong message for a council trying to get its residents to recycle. Surely a happy bunch of recyclers is better than a relcutant bunch?

    Obviously there's considerably less scope to squeeze money out of people with my approach.

    What happens if you go on holiday for a couple of weeks? Do you need to notify the council? I hope not.
  • RoyRoy
    edited 12:07PM
    @graeme: paying be weight has been seriously considered. The dustcart automatically weighs the bin when it hoists it up to tip it in, and the bin is identified by an embedded RFID chip and it's weight logged. I think some councils even got as far as supplying chipped bins, but the media had a field day about the "spy in the bin", so I'm not sure if any council still has the stomach for this, or if public opinion is too firmly against. -roy
  • edited March 2011
    "Piss-poor journalist or MP looking for an easy story kills decent idea to encourage recycling and protect the environment".

    No wonder so many of them are alkys, must be tough to live like that.
  • edited 12:07PM
    Thanks you for any intelligent comments aimed at me.

    F you for any ignorant comments aimed at me.

    I wonder if anyone read the story today in The Sun,about how the council has huge amounts of money,many millions,stashed away in their savings account for a rainy day,haringay council have got about 50 million for a start other councils in London 150 million in saving accounts, then they go and do cuts on libraries etc. One aspect that concerns me is that Islington Council pay their executives and senior management very high salaries,why don't they just cut their salaries by 50 per cent they dont need to pay themselves 1o0k or 150k per year. Then less need for cuts and fines. Looks like its going to kick off after 2pm in central london on the anti cuts marches with civil disobedience.I notice Stroud Green Rd was leaftleted by people saying they want civil disobediance in central london at weekend.
    The council say that they need to save 400k from people who dont recycle. well cut 50k off 4 executives pay and then no fines for grannies needed.

    I predict a riot at the weekend.Class war is going to kick off in central london no doubt about it. And free parties in the parks at night aftet the protests

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