Cafe Mexicali



  • edited 1:25AM
    Might give it a whirl soon then, it looks good.
  • edited 1:25AM
    Can't be bothered to go out onto SGR, did it open?
  • edited 1:25AM
  • FinFin
    edited 1:25AM
    Again I used to go to Exquisite quite a bit when I lived in that area, very good nachos & fajitas, certainly worth a go if you like Mexican.
  • edited 1:25AM
    I've only ever been there for drinks. Possibly the tackiest decour of any Mexican I've been too, in a race with many contenders.
  • edited 1:25AM
    i like exquisito a lot, it's always very quiet though and i wonder how they survive, but it's been the same for at least four years so i guess they're ok. they also have another restaurant in chelsea. and they do delivery as well. [their website](
  • edited 1:25AM
    Which thursday was next thursday (above?) because it doesn't look like the day after tomorrow passing today. I'll still force myself to try the margaritas when it does open though.
  • edited 1:25AM
    I asked: The 20th.
  • edited 1:25AM
    no burritos in sight in the menu. specifically looked for them. Menu is much more of a sit-down type place.
  • edited 1:25AM
    I saw burritos on the menu. You have to look for them though. It looks a bit fusion to me - Tex-Mex, Tapas etc. which is always a little worrying. Decor looks interesting, but the menu looks like something off an Alicante beach front.
  • edited 1:25AM
    Menu is posted in window, confirming my worst fears.

    the cocktail menu is twice as long as the food menu, with all the great classics present and correct (sex on the beach, slippery nipple, slow comfortable screw etc etc)

    food is pure plastic tex mex, with every dish description having the dreaded word 'smothered' in it

    will prob be packed :)
  • edited 1:25AM
    I'm looking forward to giving it a go. Possibly not on a Saturday night.
  • edited 1:25AM
    I'm looking forward to it too, good to have something different in the area.
  • edited 1:25AM
    Given the huge success of new Mexican burrito places in London, serving really good burritos, with proper fresh salsa etc, and making them with exactly what you want in them, I'm not sure whether now is the time to be starting up another 'smothered in' tex mex place... However, the proof is in the eating...
  • edited 1:25AM
    And £8-9 pounds for a burrito :(
  • edited 1:25AM
    The new Benito's Hat near Oxford Circus is open now...Also El Burrito on Charlotte Place is starting to open in the evening and has an impressive array of tacos after 6pm...
  • R&JR&J
    edited 1:25AM
    Snobbery before anything has been tried I see
  • edited 1:25AM
    That’s right, we’re not allowed to dislike inauthenticity until they have proved that they actually serve the inauthentic stuff that they are advertising. I’m taking the missus tomorrow night, full report to follow.
  • edited 1:25AM
    Tex Mex fine dining @R&J, I'm intrigued. Where do you hang out for your melted cheese specialties?
  • edited 1:25AM
    Looking forward to it, Arkady. My suspicion is that their grilled meat (about half their main courses) will be decent, and the rest will be cooked from frozen (e.g. the chilli poppers). Interested to hear whether this is pure snobby prejudice though.
  • edited 1:25AM
    I'm one of those people that finds 'grilled meats' a bit boring*, and much prefers processed, stuffed and smothered delights, so I'm unlikely to be as fussy as some. *Except bacon and burgers of course.
  • edited 1:25AM
    Is it open yet? Presumably, R&J, your gourmet fried chicken finding mission has seen you visit every Dixie Chicken etc you ever come across, personally I know without trying that it's just going to be greasy fried chicken and soggy chips.
  • edited 1:25AM
  • edited 1:25AM
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  • edited 1:25AM
    I was initially told it would be last Thursday, then this Thursday. When I asked on Saturday they told me it would be Wednesday 19th.
  • edited 1:25AM
    I still think £9 for a burrito is relatively expensive, regardless of it's authenticity.
  • edited 1:25AM
    might it be less for a takeaway?
  • edited 1:25AM
    It's Tuesday 19th today?
  • edited 1:25AM
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  • edited 1:25AM
    Sorry I meant the 20th, i.e. today. I intended to double-check on the way home, but ended up waylaid at the Green Man in Fitzrovia. The 7.2% cider devastated me, and I don't know how I got home.
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