Big Phil

edited April 2006 in General chat
Offered England job.

Official. I think he'd be ace. And he's got an ace name.

I think O'Neill is hanging on for the Man U job next year.


  • LizLiz
    edited 5:09AM
    How funny. After all the carping about not wanting another foreign manager. Do you think it was all just a big plot to try and derail Charlton and Boro's seasons?
  • edited 5:09AM
    Why bother?

    Mid table no-marks. They're perfectly capable of derailing their own seasons.
  • edited April 2006
    Mid table no-marks. Unlike that behemoth of football, Swindon Down, oops, Town.
  • edited 5:09AM
    Bah - we've just announced a new £1m investor.

    We're going to be one of the behemoths of League Two, I tell you.
  • edited 5:09AM
    You'll also be the first team ever to drop from the top flight to League Two.
  • edited 5:09AM
    don't think that's true. Happened to Carlisle in the 1980s.
  • edited 5:09AM
    But in the calendar according the cash-obsessed, billionaire criminal loving Premiership, 1992 was Year Zero.

    There was no football before then.

    So yes - since all top flight football sold its soul to Murdoch - Swindon will be the first team to fall from the top flight to the bottom.

    This has happened previously to Carlisle and Oxf*rd United.
  • edited 5:09AM
    good call. Was forgetting about Oxford.
  • edited 5:09AM
    Oxford may well be the first team to get relegated from the top flight to the Conference.

    I am torn about that. On one hand, I think it would be really funny.

    On the other hand, the Oxford-Swindon games are the silver linings of being in League Two.
  • edited 5:09AM
    Also, how do we feel about Accrington? Strictly as founder league members they were top flight, and have obviously just been promoted from the conference. Do they count??
  • edited 5:09AM
    Accrington - Swindon. Going to be a classic.

    Were there 4 leagues when Accrington went out of it? They probably count though.

    And Notts County, while we're at it.
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