not happy with old bill posting on



  • Why are there never any police cats? Chang
  • <P>or police chimps</P> <P>where are the police chimps when you need them?</P> <P>i would like to see BTP feds get on the train at Finsbury Park with a load of trained orangatangs on a lead...</P> <P>old chavvy mcdougal would be handing over the skunk weed quick time...</P> <P>u get me blood...</P>
  • They do have police chimps. They're called PCSO's. :-)<br>
  • <p>I had a thought about Police Lobsters for the times divers are needed. but I think it would need to be a duck in case they have to appear in Court. Lobsters struggle on the steps up to the witness box.</p><p> </p>
  • ha ha - there's definately a lot of drug usage going on around here! LOL!<br>
  • <P>chang - im not interested in a flame war so call a truce and everyone else...</P> <P>good joke chode...but remember old bill can make a quick call to the home office or whatever it is and get our ip addresses which tells them who we are (if they dont know already) dont tell everyone where  the plots are   where youve hidden the stash...a quick check of the ip addresses will tell them how much time we have done in prison and what we have been sent to prison for ...just because we are now on the out doesnt mean we cant be watched...</P> <P>lets be honest a few people on this forum have been inside...done their time...done their punishment and are now out in the is probably got a few lags on it who are contributing to this forum from inside holloway or pentonville</P> <P>anyone in pentonville or holloway prison contributing to this forum from the prisons computers or on a smuggled in internet phone in a cell?</P> <P>rozzers will no doubt be laughing at your joke chode - not sure they are a fan of plastic coppers or pcso's </P>
  • <P>good surrealist lobster based gag detritus - police lobsters could give you a painfull nip no doubt about it...</P> <P>sorry for any insults i slung your way recently - due to a booze fuelled 10 pints of stella based beer bender...disgrace.</P>
  • Yeah, if I didn't have this smuggled smart phone, life would be just that little bit more shitter here in Broadmoor.<br>
  • <P>broadmoor is a psyciatric hospital prison on the yorkshire moors isnt it for the most disturbed wrong un's</P> <P>ive never done time in that one yet more of a wandsworth prison sort of person</P> <P>but the night is young</P> <P>anyone done time in pentonville or holloway ? that takes part in</P> <P>inside you can learn i.t skills and all that</P>
  • <P>ps old bill have made the call to the home office now...they have checked our ip addresses and know who we are...</P> <P>just saying...</P>
  • edited March 2012
    use proxy servers if you don't want to be traced. ;-)<br>
  • <P>one thing i read was that the great london detectives spent many years on the jobs they did,perhaps 20 years or met police detectives spend about 5 years on the job maximum in one they might spend 5 years on drugs squad then move to murder squad and spend 5 years  there then 5 years in vice squad etc...whereas years ago detective stayed in one squad ie murder squad for 25 years...spending along time in one squad made their knowledge of their manor and the wrong un characters on their manor better ....perhaps due to health and saftety police have to move departments every 5 years so they dont get stressed thus weakeing their strength of knowledge and experience over time... a bit like lestrade and sherlock holmes or not...</P>
  • <P>how much time have you done inside chode? im not saying anything illegal so not really bothered.and i dont do any illegal business anyway...what people dont realise about prison is the amount of moving about that goes on ie moving from one prison to the next...not always for any apparent reason...prisoners that get released from prison get an amount of cash...but then they have to wait for a few weeks till benefits get switched on ...that encourages them to do crime to get cash before their benefits get switched on ...the system should be changed so that prisoners released from prison get support until they get benefits and somewhere to live in my opinion or they can go back on drugs and back into crime...   perhaps noone cares though...certainly not dave cameron</P>
  • edited March 2012
    <p>Broadmoor is in Berkshire.</p><p>The only Prison I can think of on a moor (other than H.M.P Slade and I dont think that counts) is Dartmoor in Devon.</p>
  • rampton in yorkshire
  • No in Nottinghamshire.
  • <P>yes ...moors murderer from yorkshire in broadmoor rampton in nottinghamshire...</P> <P>ian sutcliff - the yorkshire ripper - was sent to broadmoor i think</P> <P>not entirely sure...</P> <P>just doing my homework for when the men in white coats come visiting...</P> <P> </P>
  • I didn't think cops moved around between departments all that often? I've met someone who's been in anti-terrorism for at least 10 years. I think one notable exception is the department that deals with the sexual abuse & exploitation of children - it's so awful that the staff can't stay there for more than a couple of years, which still sounds like a very long time to be exposed to those kinds of images.
  • <P>i think you can keep posting till 1am as they didnt put the clocks back on the or something...</P> <P>vetski - not entirely sure - perhaps rozzers can clarify - think old bill cant be a detective for longer than a certain amount of years - i think the idea is to keep people fresh so say after 5- 10 years they have to move from say vice to fraud or murder or robbery squad ... so they dont go stale in the department they are in... not entirely sure about this though...   </P> <P>in ye olden days,cops would stay as say a robbery squad fed for almost all working life n get to know all criminals on his manor ...drinking in the usual suspects pubs where the criminals drank and talking to people...these detectives would be very sharp minded people and could read peoples minds almost as they were mixing in the communities they served for years ...perhaps this does not happen with detectives quite so much these days... </P> <P>also if you are a cop how do you mix in with criminals if some of them are from a different ethnic background you cant blend in so well and listen in to conversations as an undercover cop - that must be difficult for cops to get to know locals </P>
  • <P>Wow.  That's a lot of comments to respond to.</P> <P>We are indeed based at Finsbury Park and were featured on the Police Dogs programme.  I promise we're not doing this to monitor what's going on with a view to rooting out 'dodgy behaviour'; I'm sure there are other departments within the security services which carry out this type of surveillance, but not our Neighbourhood Policing Team.  We do this to stay in touch with our community, and it wasn't a Chief Inspector's idea, it was mine.</P> <P>PC Mattthew Shepherd</P>
  • Well PC Shpherd (which is a marvellous name for a Dog Handler), I think you're doing a splendid job, it's good that you're here. As a general rule you can probably ignore almost everything that's posted between when the pubs closed and forum closing time. Do you ever take dogs from rescue homes or do they come straight to you as puppies? Miss A
  • edited March 2012
    It's actually the Americans that monitor our communications in this country. That's how the government get around the fact that it's illegal to eavesdrop without a warrant.
  • Oh and @chrisn4 - never done bird, I am generally a law abiding citizen, for legitimate laws that is, not poncy stupid ones like cycling on the pavement.
  • <P>@miss annie - what do you think of the idea that we ask @BritTransPol to come and do a dog-handling demo for the WI one month?</P>
  • And @BritTransPol - is that something you might be interested in doing?
  • Fuck me, talk about brown nosing. Haven't you got some cakes to bake?
  • Today, no; tomorrow, yes. I like dogs and think police dogs are cool. So sue me.
  • I can't sue you, it's not illegal to brown nose the babylon, in fact I'm sure it's actively encouraged!
  • da babylon.
  • Sorry to disappoint but I'm not a dog handler, just a regular beat PC.
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