The Front Room

edited March 2008 in Reviews
Thought I'd give it another go this morning. However, I still maintain that it's okay but not great. I've been trying to focus on why, and I think it's because I don't find it the least bit relaxing. I couldn't wait to get away this morning once I'd drunk my (very mediocre) coffee. I was also party to a loud conversation in the kitchen about whether anyone they knew wanted a job washing up.

Good for Food on the other hand is really chilled (maybe it's the music), and I can quite happily stay there for an hour or two.

Also - does anyone else find the tables at the Front Room really sticky?


  • edited 7:59AM
    I quite like the Front Room, the staff are generally good. The one thing that is annoying is the Front Door of the Front Room - if only it could have a door closer, it wouldn't feel sub arctic every time someone comes in and leaves the door open.

    For a healthy breakfast their morning trifle ( muesli, fruit, yoghurt ) is good ( though often change my mind for a greasy fryup ). I had the equivalent in Pick More Daisies in CE which was quite a bit more expensive and probably less than half the size.
  • edited 7:59AM
    Pick more daisies is SO much better, food wise, than Front Room.
  • edited 7:59AM
    I get pick more daisies muddled up with the new Anna Friel vehicle on ITV1
  • edited 7:59AM
    Yes the burgers are fantastic at PMD, but the (healthy) breakfast was disappointing.
  • edited 7:59AM
    Ah, I think the Front Room is great. Yes, I agree those sticky tables are yukky and really could do with a sand down, but it is a lovely addition to our neighbourhood. I have a minor quibble that things like their toasted chiabattas should come with a small side salad, it just seems un peu tight of them to not add a bit of greenery to balance the stodge. Otherwise though, they are lovely people, very welcoming and in summer those outside tables are fab...
  • edited 7:59AM
    when i went there a while ago the lady serving me was so so apologetic about the tables. she said "someone told me to get these and i am SO upset because they are SO sticky" and she kept coming over to wipe them though they were perfectly clean, which was a bit off-putting at the time but she was very nice, as were the rest of the staff, and the ham and cheese sandwich thing i ate.
  • edited 7:59AM
    This is all a pretty fair summary, I think. I really like it.
  • edited 7:59AM
    I'm no expert, but agree with Beek that a quick sand down and re-varnish would help.
  • edited 7:59AM
    I went on Saturday night and watched a ukele band and an acoustic folk singer. The ukele band were great, singing Love Cats, Satellite of Love and many other gems. The food wasn't too bad and quite reasonably priced.
  • edited 7:59AM
    Satellite of Love is one of those songs that will get stuck in my head now for weeks.

    I googled it and bizarrely, the fourth video is the Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain doing it. It must be a ukelele standard.

    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  • edited 7:59AM
    All I can say about The Front Room is that any cafe which doesn't include a cup of tea as part of the breakfast, and then charges a ridiculous price for one (do they think we don't know how much it costs to make tea?), won't get a second visit from me. Give me Sunshine Cafe any day. Cheers boss.
  • edited 7:59AM
    Excuse my ignorance, but is it open of an evening? Is it licensed?
  • edited 7:59AM
    And does their morning trifle have sherry in it?
  • edited 7:59AM
    we had brunch at the weekend. food ok but service a bit slow and grumpy. i agree that it's not the kind of place you want to sit and hang out and read the papers for a while, maybe it's a bit too cramped. i think those tables have been over varnished or something. i have to say i LOVE pick more daisies.
  • edited 7:59AM
    Hello. I've just joined this group and a detailed discussion about breakfast seems a reasonable place to start...
    I think The Front Room is great - they do a fantastic brilliant breakfast and nice atmosphere but YES! that door that doesn't shut drove me and the Mrs crazy and froze us to death the last two times we went there. So not going back until summer comes....
    By the way, my favourite cafe is the one just up Crouch Hill, past the Dairy on the left with the pictures of The Godfather films in. Egg, Bacon, Chips and Beans.
    I have never heard of Pick More Daisies but will check it out.
  • edited 7:59AM
    I once saw Morrissey having a cup of tea in Sunshine Cafe.
  • edited 7:59AM
    Shameless Trolling!
  • edited 7:59AM
    As Bobby says, Sunshine is good - for me more of a weekday place than weekend. The best bacon sarnie and a cup of tea for £2 - you can't beat it.
  • edited 7:59AM
    The Front Room was selling alcohol so I hope it was licensed. It was open on Saturday evening so I don't know if that's a regular thing or if it was a special night for ukelele lovers? April May the acoustic folk singer left a lot to be desired though and she was the top bill. Thank God I managed to persuade the band and management to let the ukelele band on again. I'd got to the Front End at the end of their set when I first arrived.

    I've never eaten there in the daytime. I do think Sunshine is better.
  • edited 7:59AM
    I think Tabbie's Morrissey claim needs further investigation.
  • edited 7:59AM
    it was only neil morrissey
  • edited 7:59AM
    Blimey. The Sunshine Cafe you reckon? Had some rather curious pancakes there once.
  • edited 7:59AM
    Sorry, I didn't really see Morrissey in Sunshine Cafe. It's just always been a dream of mine and I thought by expressing it publicly it would somehow become more real.
  • edited 7:59AM
    Hello, I haven't posted on here in months.

    Anyway. I like the Front Room for food, but they're just really incompetent/short staffed. Last time we went there we were waiting so long we walked out. Never done that before. Hopefully they'll sort out a bigger kitchen or work out how to be more efficient. So I can go back and stuff my face.
  • edited 7:59AM
  • edited 7:59AM
    That tiny thing above the big green thing?
  • edited 7:59AM
    I blame Woody's
  • edited 7:59AM
    Just eat it! It probably flew in the door that I hear is never closed. If you didn't eat it, can we keep it in the SG petting zoo with Sue?
  • edited 7:59AM
    Sue died tosscat. Colette ate him. Keep up.
  • edited 7:59AM
    @ Colette ; )
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