Hello - I'm a newbie!

edited April 2008 in Local discussion
Just thought I'd introduce myself!
My boyfriend and I have just moved into a flat in Florence Road and we love the area. Parkland Walk is wonderful. And I still can't get over the fact that we can get our milk and papers delivered. It's really been great living here so far.
Have been looking through some of your posts and was wondering whether any of you had ever done any research into the history of your home? Apparently an accountant used to live in our building, with his family, in 1891. So strange, thinking someone with a completely different sort of life actually lived within the same four walls!


  • edited 6:01PM
    Yes, I have looked into the history of the house I'm living in. In 1891, the family who lived there had a dad who was a secretary to a public company and in 1901, a Miss Fysh lived of her own means. Jammy thing, I can't quite do that. I haven't looked after then and I know the house wasn't built in 1881. I must visit Bruce Castle or the Hornsey historical society to find out more.

    The area is great, the house on the corner of Lorne Road/Florence Road used to be a school in the days when there were private tutors.

    There's quite a bit of work going on at the Parkland Walk at the moment so you've come at a good time.

    I get our milk delivered too but walk to the shop for my papers. I need to get out sometimes. The simple things in life.

    Welcome to the area.
  • edited 6:01PM
    @donnaw - are there any good, free sites to find out who lived there? I suppose you have to pay to get your milk and papers delivered.
  • edited 6:01PM
    @ donnaw - welcome!

    We did - we googled it, and a few years ago there was a shooting in the White Lion. The assailant ran into our block.

    On a brighter note, it dates back to 1947, and the architect won an award for it.
  • edited 6:01PM
    Pull up a chair
    Do not feed the tosscat
  • edited 6:01PM
    Never realised you could get milk/papers delivered around here.

    How do you go about arranging this?
  • edited 6:01PM
    I looked up a website, which gave you milk deliveries according to your postcode. It's probably called something like milkdeliveries.com. I get my milk delivered by Dairy Crest in Edmonton. They deliver lots of other stuff too.

    Our neighbours get their papers delivered by the newsagents on the same side of Londis.
  • edited 6:01PM
    We get our papers delivered by the newsagents opposite Londis, which has a post office.

    We heard the milkman going past one day - and I ran after him in my dressing gown! He must have had a fright... I've just checked the bill and it's also Dairy Crest in Edmonton. The phone number is 0208 360 1133. We moved in about three months ago and so far they've been great.

    That's so interesting about Florence Road/Lorne Road - which house was it, number 66 or 68? In 1901 apparently we had a school teacher living in our building so I wonder if he was connected with it?

    I looked up the history of the building on this site:

    It's a bit fiddly - you can type your address a million different ways - I typed 'Florence' where it says road and then 'Stroud Green' and that seemed to work though.

    PS I promise not to feed the tosscat... :)
  • edited 6:01PM
    I don't know the number but it's the one on the corner of Lorne Road and Florence and it has an overgrown garden with a toilet in the front. A book by the Hornsey Historical Society called Edwin Monk's "Memories of Hornsey" mentions Victoria College in Florence Road, kept by Mr. Vernon who taught the senior boys. The school occupied the ground floor of two houses (Florence/Lorne). It goes on to describe inside. There was a Miss Harris who looked after the infants. The back wall was taken down so there was a double garden which made a playground.

    It goes on to say that on the side bordering Lorne Road there was a tradesmen's entrance where a wooden shelter had been built for the boys to hang their coats. Many years later he noticed a mark on the side of the house and that the dividing wall between the gardens was of different brickwork.

    The old maps of the borough are also good. They tell you what businesses were on Stroud Green Road.
  • edited 6:01PM
    that is so interesting. Thank you very much.
  • edited 6:01PM
    It's sad that I know the house in question by identifying it as the one with the discarded toilet in the front. I mean its been there ages. You'd think they'd arrange to get it disposed of. I think the current residents came and took half the broken furniture (redoing kitchen) from our front garden the other day. Suppose it saves on the disposal bill at the end, Recycling and all that. Off piste here I know, but there's a fridge now laying on its side by the old Stroud Green train station. Someone obviously dragged it up there where there's a commercial bin to rid themselves of it. I think after that some drunk kids have probably tried to throw it around and its now on its side on the walkway. Has been for weeks. Why didn't the owner just call the council who come and collect them from your front of house for free?
  • edited 6:01PM
  • edited 6:01PM
    Hi. Thanks Andy for signing me up.

    I'm Shaun, and am hoping/ planning to move to Stroud Green in the near future, so this website has been a great help in finding out more about the area. I currently live in Tottenham, and have lived in different parts of North London all my life. I'm guessing from the posts here that on the whole you would recommend SG as a place to live - for us (me, wife and 2 girls 10 & 8), the park and transport are a big draw. Cafes, restaurants etc also seem great though if we do make this move we'll be so poor we'll just have to enjoy knowing they're there!
  • edited 6:01PM
    Hello Shaun. Check out [this thread](http://www.stroudgreen.org/discussion/843/) to see what people like about the area. I think you are the nearly the first person ever to move a post from one place to another out a sense of forum discipline. For example, check out [this thread](http://www.stroudgreen.org/discussion/823/i-heart-cake/#Item_75) to see how we struggle to keep a thread on topic, even when it is about something as unambiguously simple as cake.
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