Parks Police and redundant Dogs

edited July 2008 in Local discussion
Seems like Haringey Council are about to make a decision to cut the Parks Police service, making ten police constables and three police dogs redundant !

Seems to me that this is daft as I think they must have spent quite a bit of money setting them although this might have come from the Finsbury Park Partnership which not longer exists!

I guess they took it on when it was free but are not prepared to have an operational budget for it. (Same will happen on Parklland Walk once the TfL money is used up).

Reducing police is not a great idea in Finsbury Park as we seem to be having a bit more in the way of muggings etc around the area and probably will get more if we get a recession.

Anyway if you fell so inclined the LibDems have set up petition at which is an easy way of protesting


  • edited 10:50PM
    Not to mention the funding issues with the poor old gallery in FinFin.
  • edited 10:50PM
    Thanks Ali, I signed the petition. I think the park has really improved over the years but this service is important to help make it feel safe for everyone. Highbury Fields seems to have loads of park keepers and parks police around and it really makes a difference.
  • edited 10:50PM
  • edited 10:50PM
    Thanks Ali, really important to keep this service going.
  • edited 10:50PM
    I'm gonna go on a little rant here about the Finsbury Park Police.

    Over the last year and a half, I've been doing the British Military Fitness thing in the park on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. In the summer, the park stays open until 9pm or later, so it's not a problem. In the winter months, however, the security people/police/whoever they are lock the gates whenever the hell they feel like it. This has resulted in myself and other BMFers having to get down on our stomachs and crawl under the gate by the cycle park or climb through holes in the fence to get out of the park. Because the gates are always shut at different times, we wind up wandering around the perimeter, shivering in the dark, trying to find the nearest way out.

    Several people have written to the council about this. Their solution was to send out a memo advising us not to climb under the gate because it may collapse. Fucking fantastic.
  • edited 10:50PM
    Climbing over obstacles, wandering around perimeters, crawling under fences on your belly in the mud ... Isn't that the whole point of military fitness?
  • edited 10:50PM
    @ Duncan - Have you been to Finsbury Park in the middle of the night in February? There are active war zones that are less dodgy.
  • edited 10:50PM
    ?? @ RC You finish your physical jerks before 9pm. You rarely go to bed before small hours. <9pm = middle of the night? Finsbury Park is dodgy all the time.
  • edited 10:50PM
    In February, night starts around 4pm.
  • edited 10:50PM
    @RC We are still N4 new, happily enchanted by everything we see. But not quite enchanted enough to actually visit the park after dark, even in February ...
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