I was partaking of the Joyce Juice. Intelligent critical theory mixed with open-minded humour and discourse. I hope you gained something from my interjection. All I want is to spread love. And Stroud Green needs love. I think 2000 was a date when the time curve shifted from it getting a good places for all races and classes and going downhill into it being a good place more for middle class white young folk. Discuss..
@kreuzkav You'll be reminiscing about Cheekos at this rate.
Actually what am I even saying, those were great days, when going out was about having a laugh and shortly before pubs started adding sofas and ponsy food, even the Red Cap used to be open until 3 in the morning.
Seems like the Dairy has squatters. All the doors have County Court evicition notices on them and there is a strange Police previous closure order cancellation notice saying the place can open as there is not any violence on the premise. All served on behalf of Green King !
Yes foxie. I don't drink much now. Though I didn't arise at 6 am and do my 30 minute insight meditation. Like the odd binge. I was reading a bit of Burroughs. Well 'Burroughs and the Magical Universe'. Those cut ups send me on to Joyce juice. Better than junk, me thinks. I think I kept decorum. I hope? I was going on about the Kaballah (sic, can't be bothered to spell check) after the Bowie Station to Station post. I like all that Jewish mysticism mixed with Joyce, Bowie and a few cut-ups. Life is less linear. From Station to Station but not in the direct way. Better stop, change trains.
The only Burroughs I have ever read is The Naked Lunch and it is safe to say I was not impressed, you should read Pour Me by AA Gill, that's a great book.
Your decorum was fine but I now think of you as dressed in a Riddler outfit.
Yes, I passed by earlier and the signs attached were court orders for eviction. The men were from a security service, to evict, clear out and then secure the premises.
Actually what am I even saying, those were great days, when going out was about having a laugh and shortly before pubs started adding sofas and ponsy food, even the Red Cap used to be open until 3 in the morning.
Your decorum was fine but I now think of you as dressed in a Riddler outfit.