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  • I have had the chance to examine my car more carefully and it looks more like another vehicle has hit it, as there are some scrapes along the side too. infuriating, but almost certainly not vandalism. I am still surprised that two cars have managed…
  • I have been thinking about the nails in tyres. Something/someone has cracked our windscreen - I noticed it today. it could have been a passing vehicle or a workman unloading something from a van, or it could have been vandalism. Two nails stuck in t…
  • There is just about enough activity here - not much that is irrelevant, some useful discussions about local shops and services, and that's it. That's its function.
  • I like the Old Dairy and hope it manages to reopen.
  • Just in time for me to not use the tube!
  • This is admirable. Well done. My wife does work with refugees, and I feel that we Jews are all refugees of some kind (well, our ancestors were). I have donated. davejones, not sure what you are on about.
  • Different to Max. The sandwiches are less an enormous, multi-faceted meal than a good version of a classic. They were generously sized but not as complex. HolbornFox, I order you to try a cardamom bun! Not cheap, but quality rarely is.
  • I went there to get takeaway lunch today. Cons: Very limited selection for savoury goods: sausage rolls and curried egg sandwiches. My wife is vegetarian so i went with the sandwiches. Pricey. Pro: We also got a cardamom bun and Basque cheesecake…
  • Ooh, vegan laksa? I might have to try that. I went past Jo's today to pick up something for lunch but they were closed for lunch today.
  • Hi krappy. I don't think spices go off but they do lose flavour and potency. Whole spices probably less than ground, but still...
  • Not something I usually have a problem getting. If your need is urgent I can give you one; otherwise I have an online shop booked for Tuesday and they have in stock - happy to order you some.
  • Where are nettles and brambles when you need them? I enjoyed the Churchill story, but the reality of this particular situation is actually pretty horrible.
  • Did anyone hear the loud music and singing coming from around 108/106 Hanley Road last night/this morning (until around 3:30). Do you know precisely where it was coming from?
  • More pertinently, it's also conceivable that a waiter could have the virus themselves, asymptomatically.
  • If it's worth anything, I hate fireworks around Xmas/NYE too, and around 5 November. I'm an egalitarian crank. I would gladly ban fireworks apart from registered fireworks displays.
  • And the pillocks who set of fireworks last night at around 11:30 should all be horse-whipped. Loud motorbikes also drive me mad. I just think they are all wankers. Or should that be w*******s? (never saw the point of asterisking on a forum read by a…
  • We are doing renovations (Corbyn St) but they start after 8:30 and usually finish before 6, so hopefully that is not affecting your sleep. I agree that the noise is tiresome but I don't know what the alternative is. (We are basically finished by now…
  • It's a very big space for a bakery or fishmonger. Realistically, only a chain was going to be able to fill it, unless the bakery was the bakery for a bigger operation and they did all the baking at the FP site.
  • I don't think I have an objection. My one question is where loading trucks would be, and if they would block the road which is used by buses.
  • @krappy, it's veggies, dude. Scruffy needs to, like, chillax.
  • I agree it's annoying but also agree that's a pretty extreme response.
  • micycle accepts kids' bikes, which they then give away to people who want them, and charge only for whatever work needs doing. I got my son's bike there; it needed new brake cables and pedals, which they did and I paid for (a reasonable sum, I thoug…
  • I agree with Luke about the Barclays Bros not being far right - strongly right wing, absolutely, but far-right has connotations of fascism, racism, nationalism, and usually a commitment to violence. And I agree with rikki about capitalism! It's no…
  • I was in the SGR one Saturday before last, mid-morning. It was pretty quiet.
  • Interesting. I happened to read this yesterday which is also insightful and relevant: And I just read this - a good…
  • grenners, you have mentioned Soros, and now referred to Cultural Marxism (which is also generally associated with far-right thinking*). Having been told that mentioning Soros suggests anti-semitism, you have then used another term which suggests it.…
  • grenners, I think what Arkady is saying, which is what I said, is that one should be careful when using Soros as the example, given how references to him are often used. Which i would have thought was uncontentious. As for simply not labelling peop…
  • grenners, I am curious about this: "People are paid to say things and it exploits people. That might be BLM funded by Soros via Open Foundations, amplified by Antifa, paid by who?" That suggests that BLM is driven by people funding it (to what end, …
  • I agree with N19 about Rowan's. I am not sure what I think about Lidl, but given that there are already supermarkets here (small, pricier Sainsbury's, shitty Tesco), a bit of competition, and access to cheaper food, is on balance not a bad thing.
  • Scruffy, defining ethnicity is not the same as defining a species. How would one *scientifically* define someone as black, South Asian, Latinx, white, etc? cmo, I agree with you that it's a privilege to say that we should not see skin colour. With…