Police cordon on Parkland Walk

edited July 2010 in Local discussion
Just got stopped from running down the Parkland walk at 6:30am by a police cordon and officer guarding the way. Looks like an incident on the steps up to the walk from UTP.


  • edited 12:55AM
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  • edited 12:55AM
    Also a police cordon round the carwash near the crossroads on Upper Tollington Park. No idea if the 2 incidents are linked.
  • edited 12:55AM
    Is it me or has the frequency of incidents over the last couple of months has been higher than the last 2/3 years? Increase in crime, or just increasing perception of crime? There was also an incident on the corner of Fonthill Rd/Murray Rd outside the Image dry-cleaners a couple of weeks ago that required police and ambulance attendance.
  • edited 12:55AM
    I think it's got a lot worse. Im always seeing things happening.

    Having said that they are finally doing a stop and search as we speak on our road. I have written to the MP (Jeremy Corbyn -- USELESS) and the police about the constant drug dealing on our road.

    The guy is shouting his head off while he is being searched. Quite full on.

  • edited 12:55AM
    I haven't noticed more incidents but then I am at work all day so probably miss out on all the excitement.
  • edited 12:55AM
    It's getting worse. More and more drug dealers. More gang bangers. I wish wish wish the police were more hardcore in the politically correct stupid country. They should be allowed to come down hard on these people instead of being scared to do a stop and search.
  • edited 12:55AM
    A policeman friend once told me that there is always a sharp rise in the number of violent crimes when there's a heatwave. Myth?
  • AliAli
    edited 12:55AM
    Should something not be done about the Customers of the Drug Dealers - bet there are a few on here, take the market away and they will disapear.
  • edited 12:55AM
    May I ask which road (or general area) that is Bridget? I've never noticed obvious drug dealing in Stroud Green (except for once when a bloke offered me drugs near Harringay Rail). I had a sufficiently misspent youth to recognise what I'm seeing too. There used to be a lot of dealers aout when I was the other side of Seven Sisters, it could certainly be intimidating at times. Of course if we ended the futile and immoral 'war on drugs' then this aspect of the problem would go away, and we could stop crimialising these people (for that reason, anyway). A
  • edited 12:55AM
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  • edited 12:55AM
    Seconding Arkady. The only dealing I've ever seen on this side of Seven Sisters Road is the house along from the Noble, and even that is pretty restrained as drug dens go.
  • edited 12:55AM
    Might have something to do with the helicopter that was hovering about at about 3am this morning. Or was that just a very vivid dream?
  • edited 12:55AM
    Thirding Arkady and wondering which streets Bridget and Predicaments are finding problematic (so I know where to avoid after dark!!)?
  • edited 12:55AM
    Yep, there was a helicopter last night. Might have been more like 2am than 3am, but I too might just have been dreaming.
  • edited 12:55AM
    I saw the Police combing the bushes in Parkland Walk. Presumably looking for something like a knife etc.
  • edited 12:55AM
    I think crime goes up when the schools are out. So it will always "feel' different around this time of year, particularly with more kids hanging around with "nothing to do". I have a theory that the Parkland Walk turns into a criminal superhighway after dark. It could explain why the hovering helicopter is a regular feature. I wouldn't be surprised if PW cordons start happening more often.
  • edited 12:55AM
    I heard that it was a Home Office view for a long time that crime goes up in a recession because people are poorer and in a boom because there is more stuff to steal. They basically think 'crimes goes up'. Also, I have tested the criminal superhighway theory, walking along parkland walk at night and didn't see anyone. However, I can confirm that there is at least one person living in the woods there, because my dog found his little shack.
  • edited 12:55AM
    It seems it was a stabbing on the Parkland Walk at around 2.30am and the victim made his way to the cab office by the carwash.
    I was away for the weekend and have come back to reports of two stabbings and a shooting in the vicinity. I too now think it's getting very unsavoury in this area.
  • edited 12:55AM
    where was the shooting?
  • edited 12:55AM
    Like Andy I have strolled the Parkland Walk at night - from Highgate to Blythman Rd - and not seen a single soul. Pretty scary though. Fortunately I had a bottle of cider that could have been weaponised if necessary. A
  • edited July 2010
    Oh, and presumably there are offical stats + the national crime survey if we want to check whether crime is indeed on the rise here. The gap between perception of crime and actual crime (whether reported or otherwise, if you follow the latter survey) has been widening for thirty years. A
  • edited 12:55AM
    There was also an assault on a guy walking home from the pub on Upper Tollington Park 2 days ago. Not sure of the details, there were about 10 people with him by the time I realised what had happened and went outside. Any details?

    There was a lot of research done to model anticipated crime numbers during the recession. From what I remember, violent crime generally goes up during a boom, due to increasing economic inequality/jealousy (i.e. the benefits are unequally distributed), and economic economic crime goes up during a recession as material need increases. I had a quick look for the research, but the new coalation have helpfully 'archived' most government websites which makes it very difficult to find anything.

    Unsurpisingly, you have to be careful with what you read about crime statistics...
  • edited 12:55AM
    As I understand it, so far crime has not gone up this recession, but (political puff aside) nobody really seems able to explain why it has bucked the trend.

    Certainly I'm aware of more incidents in the area - but I think that might largely be down to this site, Facebook &c, meaning I hear about stuff I might otherwise have missed just by not happening down that road on the days of the cordon. And sometimes there are blips anyhow - I remember a few years back, there always seemed to be something unsavoury happening around the NE SGR/UTP corner shops, incident boards a-go-go.

    I have also been down the Parkland Walk by night and had no problems. At twilight, it's just lovely. The one time I went by dead of night, admittedly, I picked up a stick in case of any problems. Then exchanged it for a bigger stick. Then repeated this a couple more times, and realised upon exiting the Walk and discarding my last and largest stick that obviously I hadn't had any problems, because I was a man in a dinner jacket carrying a log, and thus clearly deranged.
  • edited 12:55AM
    Lol. Ok furry muff, I'll park my theory. I wasn't based on anything sound anyway, just paranoid, over-imaginination during dusk-time jogs, I guess. I am dog sitting in a few weeks, so might conduct my own dead-of-night experiment. I doubt the King Charles Spaniel pup will offer much in the way of protection.... psychologically or otherwise... so I may adopt log-carrying tactics. You know, just to be sure.
  • edited 12:55AM
    There was a shooting on Wightman road the other day - the har(r)inge(a)y online site has lots of details from frustrated ladderpeople.
  • edited 12:55AM
    I generally avoid Wightman as much as possible anyway, even aside from the tautologous name it just feels horribly main-road-y, and you can get everywhere much more happily via the Passage.
  • edited 12:55AM
    Wightman Rd is horrible, but isn't the Passage a bit of a muggers paradise? A
  • edited 12:55AM
    Also, if you're needing to get N/S, then walking through Hornsey Vale and crossing at Horney Rail station is a picturesque option.A
  • edited 12:55AM
    Please find Police press release re the stabbing.

    "A 16 year-old boy is due to appear at Highgate Magistrates today (15th July) charged with the attempted murder of a 17 year-old male and wounding with intent to do Grievous bodily harm and robbery of another 17 year-old male.

    The charges are in relation to an incident that took place in the vicinity of Upper Tollington Park N4 in the eraly hours of 14 July 2010.

    We regret that we are unable to provide any further detail at this time, as to do so could prejudice court proceedings.

    Police would like to reassure the community that we take any violent incident extremely seriously and we will continue to work with other Met units and partners where appropriate to prevent violent crime wherever possible and seek to bring offenders to justice when such incidents do take place.

    Anyone with information about violent crime is asked to call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."

    Stroud Green SNT are increasing visible patrols in the area, conducting weapons sweeps in the area and making use of stop & search powers where appropriate.
    If anyone wishes to discuss any local issues please contact us on stroudgreen.snt@met.police.uk or call 0208 721 2837

    Thanks Sgt Bob Stevenson
  • edited 12:55AM
    I've only once or twice even seen anyone loitering along the Passage, and they were at the more harmless end of the loiter spectrum. Mainly it seems to be joggers and dogwalkers.
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