Stroud Green landmarks



  • edited 12:43PM
    @ADGS in that case I'm sorry you got lumped in with those comments - Although there was just one brief mention of Labour in my note -because it wasn't about them but your objection is noted - rough with smooth that's another coalition byproduct I guess.

    Yes there was doubtless 'slippage' between manifesto and policy of many recent govts. However with the 'ground-breaking opportunity' that this coalition represents it is still breathtaking the apparent relish they flaunt the for not being hidebound by a mandate, manfiesto or pledges as they 'work both sides of the street'.
    Ministers are literally making it up as they go along. We have seen them compete in perfecting attention grabbing announcements -thereby confusing media interest for electoral support - but then find detail a bit trickier and implementation just a horrific thought. e.g 'We will abolish all charges for Hospital car parks' - 'actually no we won't because apparently it's too expensive' ?????? What is expensive about parking barriers in a permanently raised position and meters and payment machine turned off? Perhaps they were trying to save jobs, actually no that couldn't be right either - it must have been the millions in income that swung it then.
  • edited 12:43PM
    Well we're easily distracted by trivia , though I think we have added some texture to the SG landmarks with other postings too - but hey at least we didn't talk about tiresome politics in earshot of the knitting group or book club. Promise to be deep and meaningless and aim higher from now on.
  • edited 12:43PM
    I sympathise with you twinspark (first time for everything) but let's try not piss everyone off, eh.
  • edited 12:43PM
    @Misscara. <i>KRS was exactly as I imagined him</i>. More please.
  • edited 12:43PM
    @val - someone just drove a car through the garden wall of Ivy Lodge. I think it killed another rare peach tree.
  • edited 12:43PM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 12:43PM
    north end of lancaster road, on the left as you head up onto ferme park you can't miss the bright orange replacement fencing
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