Boulangerie Bon Matin



  • KazKaz
    edited 4:48PM
    Surely the eat-in price should only be the VAT, ie 20%, no?
  • edited 4:48PM
    I've been several times now as it's literally round the corner from my flat. The coffee has been good each time (lattes, espressos, capuccinos and americanos), so nothing negative to report there.

    Have eaten various crepes and found them all to be delicious.

    We were once asked to move tables to accomodate a large group (we were 3 on a table for 4, and were moved to a table for 2). No real dramas there, but the manager insisted on giving us all our drinks for free.

    He's a really nice guy, and comes across like every customer matters. I think he would be really open to some of the feedback on this forum, esp with regard to coffee.

    In terms of gentrification, I think one of the prime examples I've heard of is whether there is a Boots in the area. Apparently they conduct studies based on predicted footfall, percentage of local population that are considered ABC1 (socio-economic classification), projected spend etc.

    I only know this as my other half works in Economic Development.

    Anyway, BBM: good. Gentrification: so-so. Rising cost of rent/house prices as a result of more salubrious people moving to the area: BAD!
  • edited 4:48PM
    Do they have free WiFi? need to work somewhere this afternoon.
  • edited 4:48PM
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  • edited 4:48PM
    So my suspicions of Boots marking everything up are now confirmed. it's like they don't know the meaning of the term "generic product".
  • edited 4:48PM
    After you've finished all your bread, pastries and cakes, come burn off that tum at our free Fitclub

    Free every week
    Yup all that money you spent at BBM can be of set with free training and a clear mind that your calories for the day have been balanced...
    For once!!!!

    That's today and every Saturday at 2.30pm

    All the details are at
  • edited 4:48PM
    Isn't exercising right after eating rather a terrible idea?
  • edited 4:48PM
    May I politely protest against every thread becoming an advert for Morefit?
  • edited 4:48PM
  • edited 4:48PM

    Excuse us for trying to promote wellbeing whilst you chat....
    If we can help a handful of people fight against obesity which is rife in our society then thats a good thing. No?
    BBM however tasty, needs balance. Thats all we're offering.

    So no, we won't stop
    And yes, you should come to the free fitness sessions!!!
  • edited 4:48PM
    @Morefit - Your arrival is an asset to the local community and your classes are great but no-one wants to be lectured about fitness. People will come to your classes if they are interested in that kind of thing and will find out how much fun they are.
  • edited 4:48PM
  • edited 4:48PM
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  • edited 4:48PM
    That's all I ask. I wish them well, but I'm far too lazy to attend myself.
  • edited December 2017
  • edited 4:48PM
    BBM has loads of lovely sweets to go with the coffee, but personally i think dream river has better coffee, and they use full milk for the latte, yum. there is a coffee place called Mike at the station which makes it really nice and lattes are not burning hot. let me know what is the verdict :)
  • edited 4:48PM
    There's that actual Italian coffee place on the SGR/Tolington corner. Not tried it myself though, and I think KRS slammed it.
  • edited 4:48PM
    @Arkady, I don't think that's Italian. And I am.
  • edited September 2011
    I just had a conversation with a helpful Italian waitress about the coffee shops in Stroud Green. Her verdict is that there is nowhere in Stroud Green you can get a decent Italian-style espresso or a cappucino made in the Italian fashion. (Well, we'd say the same about the English tea in Naples, wouldn't we?)

    I am no coffee expert but I personally think BBM's is the best along SGR and Dream River's is not bad, though a tad too bitter for my Anglo-Saxon tastes.
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  • edited 4:48PM
    That's good to hear, I shall give the new place a try too. I love the cakes from BBM, but I have to agree with others, the coffee is like dishwater - one of the worst coffees I've had. I'm actually not sure how it's possible to make coffee that awful. When I fancy a cake now, I buy one to takeaway and go home and make my own coffee.
  • edited 4:48PM
    I too have only had bad coffee in BBM. The food's ok, and unique for the area, but not worthy of the 'look' of the place, which is pretty classy.
  • edited 4:48PM
    Is the new place called Mega Cafe? It's something like that (a bit odd). I walked past it this morning, and it was pretty busy.
  • edited 4:48PM
    It looks really nice inside, and the menu looks OK, but Mega Cafe is a shit name.
  • edited 4:48PM
    Where is Mega Cafe?
  • edited 4:48PM
    A few doors down from Season. Think it was called the Rainbow cafe (superior name) before and had a toaster spraypainted on the shutters.
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  • edited 4:48PM
    I agree Misscara, I'm not sure why people rave about BBM's cakes and pastries. I think they are pretty average, I'd rather walk up the hill to Dunn's for something freshly cooked and really nice. BBM's breakfast looks ok though.
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  • Hi Misscara,

    I like your idea ref the good old fashioned tea room.

    How about a pop up at Season one Saturday/Sunday afternoon to make it happen if only for a day.

    SG.orger's (is that an appropriate collective noun, I think not) could bake a cake, perform a bit of poetry, sing or jig. I'd provide the tea (unfortunately about the extent of my talents).

    We could raise money for a local initiative (I have one in mind).

    Waddaya reckon?


    Season Kitchen
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