Men Only



  • Thanks, emine : )<br>
  • Incidentally the new gay sauna is located in what was the former milking sheds of The Old Dairy (before it was a women's gym obviously).<br>
  • There'll be more 'milking' going on in there now than ever went on in its heyday<br>
  • It's nice to see thing come full circle isn't it?<br>
  • Is coming full circle something that one might witness in the sauna?<br>
  • <P>if the police get complaints from  local residents and businesses about the gay sauna;and the police find that illegal activity is going on their;then I hope the place gets closed down if residents really are upset by the the spa in a place where local businesses and residents would be not happy about its prescence?</P> <P>feel sorry for old bill having to sit in the sauna to get evidence of immorality going on though,although i suppose some met police officers must be gay so they could be usefull in this instance and maybe enjoy their work. </P> <P>if barnesbq's description is correct then people will be concerned that their property prices could be negatively affected perhaps by the prescence of this den of homosexual sin</P> <P>when there is a brothel,i dont think the police do anything until they get enough complaints from residents which is fair enough as you want these places in an area with least residents/buisinesses annoyed by the brothel or sauna</P> <P> </P> <P> </P> <P> </P> <P> </P> <P> </P> <P> </P>
  • ridiculous hypothetical x clumsy stereotypes x conspiracy theory x zero facts = hysterical conclusion <div><br></div><div>This is the formula for the worst kind of pub bore. </div>
  • <P>or just good old fashioned British common sense?</P> <P>andy,are you gay?you do seem rather over sensitive on this thread and quick to throw insults which makes me think perhaps you are taking this personally. perhaps it is you who are jumping to hysterical conclusions?</P> <P>dont let the facts or well argued discussion get in the way of you throwing your toys out of your pram.</P> <P>what do you mean by "ridiculous hypothetical"? or "clumsy stereotypes" or "conspiracy theory" or "zero facts" or "hysterical conclusion" or have you flown into a rage as you imagine homosexuals are being criticised in some way</P> <P>just sounds like what you are saying is what people say when they just want to be a troll or have a go just for the sake of it and not engage with the facts</P> <P>or perhaps you are just being a drama queen?</P> <P> </P> <P> </P> <P> </P>
  • Andy,<div><br></div><div>You missed out 'lousy punctuation'.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
  • What would you class as illegal activity in the spa? None of the acts that barnesbq has so eloquently described are illegal in the U.K.
  • Well said Andy (especially the zero facts bit).<br><br>@chrisN4 I'm certain the police will probably close down this 'den of homosexual sin' when they get wind of what's going on there. Maybe you should inform them of other such establishments dotted all over London and the UK for that matter. Why not pay Chariots a visit some time?...there's a few around (Shoreditch, Streatham, Waterloo, Limehouse, Vauxhall, to name a few)...<br>
  • Jeez, this thread really has outed the types who are tittering and using 'carry on' style innuendos to show themselves up!!! get out a bit more and live and let live.<br><br>The irony of the 'milking shed' was mildly humorous though!<br>
  • <P>Chrisn4.......</P> <P>gay saunas are completely legal... your comments are offensive, misguided and, in my opinion, homophobic.</P> <P>Just incase you don't know homophobia is ilegal, so chose your words more carefully or keep your views to yourself.</P>
  • Dear Paradise Spa, if you are reading this please, please, please change your name to "The Milking Shed", or the even better "Den of Homosexual Sin". <div><br></div><div>I LOVE this thread. Arkady and barnesbq made me laugh out loud. </div>
  • And to think they stopped a strip club from opening in Crouch End :(
  • I think          'The old milking shed'      just to keep in with the neighbours lol
  • <p>So what, a gay sauna opened up near the Old dairy.  When I lived in other cities in Europe these places were as common as muck.  Boys will be boys.  I wish they'd opened it up in Chapter One.  I'd prefer some quiet gay sauna than some late night pub anyday. I guess it would be too on the street for England.  Despite our feeling of being open minded we like like to be a bit hush hush.   Side street, round the corner, wink wink!</p><p> </p>
  • Strip clubs are different from gay saunas, as far as I can tell, though I'm pretty square so I may be wrong. I object to the buying of sexual services, but am very happy for consenting adults to do whatever they like to each other. I wildly encourage it, though that sounds like I stand by the sidelines cheering. (This may be off-putting for most people.) I'm sure financial transactions do take place in some saunas, but I'm told it's frowned upon - prohibited even - in many places (in the UK anyway) so it must make for a pretty egalitarian atmosphere.<div><br></div><div>I know someone who organises (hetero) sex parties, and she gets more women than men wanting to go, so maybe a straight sauna isn't far off. </div>
  • @emine With gems like that, spread across 4x twitter messages, you'd have 100,000 followers in no time and not be fired<div><br></div>
  • <P>charming andy</P> <P>going brassing is a time honoured tradition especially in finsbury park/sg...a pleasant pastime wen nothing on tv....</P> <P>not everyone in sg would welcome a gay only knocking shop / spa / brothel on their doorstep</P> <P>alot of people have spent time and money building up their businesses and creating a lovely home</P> <P>perhaps they aren't too keen on "you lot" doing what barnesbq so graphically described on their doorstep</P> <P>i am all in favour of gay/hetero saunas or brothels just not in a place where residents might complain - perhaps on an industrial estate on the outside of town or next to tottenham fc for spurs fans after the game</P> <P>emine says she objects to " people buying sexual services" - dont be daft love, randy gays or heterosexuals have to get their leg over,its in the blood - its the oldest profession in the world - brass need to make cash</P> <P>to its chris - oooh ive got to be carefull what i say have i because of homophobia - phone the rozzers with the handcuffs deary and lets all have a gangbang...gays , heteros invite everyone along</P> <P>miss annie - i dont know what goes on in the gay spa locally so i cant comment if it is illegal thats4 old bill</P> <P>being gay is a good thing for gays - saunas are a godd thing for gays ...i wont be complaining about gay spa 2 cops</P> <P>good luck to all local tarts, poofs,  slappers and local lucky</P> <P> </P> <P>.</P> <P> </P> <P> </P> <P>  </P> <P> </P> <P> </P>
  • Chris, get a grip!  You are all over the shop, you seem very very very drunk!  What's your point?
  • <P>or as someone once said...</P> <P>because some peoples families are as common as muck and grew up in the stroud green n finsbury park area when it was a lively place full of characters,swearing,jokes,booze and laughter... </P> <P>before all the political correct bleeding heart liberals n yuppies moved in and started nagging people and flouncing off when they heard a rude word </P> <P>or, "something like that,something like that"</P> <P>    </P>
  • edited November 2011
    <p>OK </p>
  • @emine - I wish there were a like button.
  • <P>they don't like it up em</P> <P> no pun intended</P> <P>dads army</P>
  • <FONT color=#33cc00 size=7><STRONG>:D</STRONG></FONT>
  • @Mirandola, thanks (I assume you are referring to my stance on sex work, rather than my prediction that Dens of Heterosexual Sin may not be far off, though if it's the latter, good for you!)<div><br></div><div>@andy, ooh do you think? </div><div><br></div><div>@chrisN4, loth as I am to encourage you, or to get into a discussion on the ills (or not) of sex work, the "oldest profession" thing always annoys me. I think you'll find it's farming. Not that it would be a justification if it were. But there you are. </div>
  • If you can count farming then surely hunting and gathering would precede agriculture?<br><br>Chimps hunt and gather, and trade the intake... often for sexual favours (and often with other chimps of the same sex).  Oops, I think we just came full circle again.<br>
  • I wouldn't class "hunting and gathering" as a profession (with apologies to Parkland Walk foragers - and no, that's not a euphemism). And I'm not sure chimps "trade" meat for sex, rather that the chimps with the most meat attract the most females. (And males.) This is true for most humans too, of course. Though not with actual meat, although I know one person who would do surprising things for a bag of pork scratchings. 
  • I was going to say ‘maybe not gathering’, but gathering can involve learning how to recognise leaves and know where to excavate to find tubers… how is that less ‘professional’ than learning how to push seeds into the ground and eat what comes up? And hunting is pretty skilled too. Semantics perhaps, but if ‘profession’ is defined as ‘requiring specialised training’…<br><br>Bonobos are more sophisticated than you allow, they certainly exchange food for various services, including grooming and sexual services. Some reports suggest that most males will have more same-sex experiences than reproductively productive sex, for the reasons you imply – the troop leaders monopolise all the females.<br>
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