@r_c if you can save your FD files in .fdx (if you have version 8) or .fdr (if you have version 7) Scrivener should import these.
If it's more complicated then you could try the forum (assuming you haven't already):
This is a lovely photo of Stroud Green station in 1904
Blue box removed.
I was just [being a bit fancy](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax).
I'm moving back to NW5 soon so I haven't been on here for a while.
PS - for your other thread:
Replace [] with
[a href="http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/event.php?eid=105780275702"]
[img src="http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/object3/576/13/n105780275702_6300.jpg" /]
Markdown won't (as far as I know) allow you to make an image a link, but you can use HTML for this:
Replace [] with
[a href="THE_LINK_TARGET"][img src="THE_IMAGE_URL.JPG" /][/a]
There is an open [planning application](https://www.islington.gov.uk/onlineplanning/apas/run/WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=P090788&theTabNo=3) for the building which suggests that there already is or will be a kitchen.
Isn't this the sort of stuff we should be getting behind?
Maybe they didn't ask us to sign the petition because they knew we'd all just moan and find fault...