i disagree with the fact that you think it is in a stupid place. all the people walking down to the station from lancaster, florence and beyond use it every day. and there are lots of them.
if no one uses it, then why did our beloved lynne f get a petition going?
I have been watching this crossing closely and have realised that the worst offenders are Working Class people. Upper Class people are the next worst and Middle Class are the nicest. Mini-cabs are in a class of their own.
Though I am not sure if Working Class people owning cars makes them Middle Class or not. If so, then it would be the Middle Classes to blame.
At last, after years of tireless campaigning and making this forum boring, I got a Public Consultation thing through the letterbox today with Options 1, 2 and 3. Not having a PhD in Road Science, I am a bit confused. But basically, they are going to upgrade the crossing one way or another. So, a victory for petty ranting on SG.org, and a random email or two to a local journalist - and our local MP and councillors
I love the new cable car - elegant structure and amazing views.<br><br>I don't think that the Greenwich Peninsular/O2 or Royal Docks/Excel are best described as 'nowhere'. <br>
Does the consultation leaflet have a web address? Being a transport engineer (no PhD in Road Science, only a merely MSc) and having used that crossing twice a day for a couple of years I'm sure I could add a few things!<br>
Probably explains why someone else nearly got run over as I passed it.