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  • Olive Bakery, I believe. I watched the change in signage on Saturday from across the road at the excellent friendly 'Barista' joint.
  • Maybe the coffee might improve? Nice friendly staff and good food but I always felt the coffee let them down. I wish them well though because they were lovely.
  • A security camera is a symptom of a sick society. Its watchful lens will ensure that citizens will conform, however precarious their plight, promoting obedience. As a modern substitute for community policing, serving the local community rather than …
  • It looks more like a cafe to me. Counter and coffee machine on the right, new seating went in at end of last week. I wish they'd stop parking their vans and cars way beyond their permitted space on the pavement though!
  • I've heard that the incident on Holly Park was a murder. It was at the home of someone who is thought to have possibly been a drug dealer. No more details known - forensic teams were there all the next day.
  • Yep. All looks closed and sign gone recently.
  • @Grenners - the weirdest thing about Haringey Parks' bizarre plan for the Walk is that they've put up their consultation plans all around the bit in the middle which is in Islington. Islington Council have confirmed they have not been consulted, hav…
  • Just completed - it seems a bizarre focus on pushing a particular plan, and not really a survey of wider park usage and opinions. Worth doing to put them back in their box and help promote ecology and sustainability rather than whatever else the nut…
  • I wouldn't trust Haringey's Parks Dept as far as I could spit at them. Simon Farrow's view seems to be that ecology is a pain the arse. He'd concrete everything over if it made money. I'd be suspicious of anything and everything they say.
  • I'm also concerned by the perspective given by @oddbod, but I tend to agree with @RobS response. We are in a climate and ecological emergency, and properly rewilded space is essential. I hate the idea that this means some lesser-abled people cannot …
  • " And also, they should definitely permanently reroute the W7 and pedestrianise that stretch of Crouch Hill." I'd drink to that!
  • The fact that Haringey Council is putting up loads of posters and a massive Twitter campaign defending their decision on 5 more years, is a sign they know they have a lot of persuading to do. The park isn't just a human amenity - it's an important u…
  • The tree still stands, and looks magnificent. Latest court ruling, thanks to the affected leaseholder, is that the Council (and insurers) now HAVE to wait for the ombudsman's decision. This is effectively what the campaigners asked the council to …
  • Old Dairy today - Online booking not working. Wouldn't answer phone. Tried going in at lunchtime and told at least an hour's wait for food. Not impressed.
  • I agree. Hakata defended McDonalds after they ripped up 11 mature plane trees at their Green Lanes drive-through. He supposedly did a deal with them to plant new trees - guess what - they haven't! He's also the main mover over the Oakfield Rd tree i…
    in FP Muder Comment by rikki April 2023
  • Phew!!! This mature plane tree on Oakfield Road is the proverbial comeback kid - the householder's appeal has been successful, and Haringey have yet again wasted council taxpayer's money, on an injunction due to come in on Monday, when they were ho…
  • There's a public meeting following the desecration of the park by Tough Mudder this weekend. Tuesday 25th April - Muslim Welfare House, Seven Sisters Rd. 7.30. Organised by Friends of Finsbury Park, demanding Haringey do NOT sign 5 year contract for…
    in FP Muder Comment by rikki April 2023
  • Been using micycle since they opened. I recommend.
  • Which greater good are you referring to?
  • Unfortunately, the last legal chance was lost today. The householder has a complaint against his insurers which the ombudsman hasn't yet ruled on. So he took out an emergency injunction to stop the council from bowing to pressure from the insurer un…
  • I spoke with one of the artists today. Apparently its a council funded scheme that pays a small pool of artists. It came out of the lockdown, when a lot of shutters got tagged and it was quite ugly, so this initiative is designed to dissuade the tag…
  • Haringey council have now issued a ridiculous backtrack having wasted all this money, and will remove the security and scaffolding until a further court hearing.
  • Update (although it appears no-one is intersted in the plight of our best carbon sequesters, anti-pollution air cleaners, and temperature coolers (ie trees).
  • Slight variation depending who you talk to, but around 100 it seems.
  • @HolbornFox We should certainly tax the rich, but if they don't want to pay tax (which they don't) then indeed, the only remaining solution is 'eat the rich'. Liverpool Rd has a separate bike lane nowadays - are you saying the bike lane is gridloc…
  • Looks like the ecocide will start on Monday. There's going to be a ceremony on Sunday morning to mark the loss of all these beautiful trees. More than 6000 locals signed the petition for a green bridge at Stanhope, but the council are pressing ahea…
  • Thanks for this lovely read. Unfortunately the colourful protest banners at Stanhope Road seem to have recently been removed by our hypocritical council, but information and a petition can still be found online here:…
  • If God really wanted you to believe in Thine. Thy'd really exist! (Hopefully correct pronouns)
  • I thought only MPs had that particular kink?